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"How are you and Damien?" Natalie asked before sipping some water.

"Facts. You haven't kept us updated," Aria chimed in.

Damien was probably on his way home now from work, given the time.

"We're still not together, but there's no bad energy," I answered, and the two of them frowned.

"Why didn't you two get back together?" Aria asked.

I shrugged, "I'm not ready to get back with him. A part of me is still hurt over the whole Ashley shit."

Natalie questioned, "Are y'all like friends with benefits then?"

I shook my head while clarifying, "We haven't had sex since the trip four months ago. Of course, he's had sex sometime last month or maybe earlier with Ashley before he ended things with her."

"So you haven't had any in four months? You're strong," Natalie teased, and all three of us giggled.

I admitted, "I keep a few toys hidden, but it's really not the same. I don't want it to seem like I don't have a backbone though."

"Right," Aria agree. "Gotta have a backbone. It just sucks that you have to abstain from sex to punish him. You're punishing yourself too."

"All the better," Natalie shrugged. "When you two finally go at it, it'll be even better."

I nodded, "Yeah, but enough about me. How's wedding planning, Aria? Natalie, how's my little niece or nephew doing in there?"

Aria chuckled, "I already planned this shit years ago so it's just booking that has me worried. I was actually wondering if you both would like to help me."

"Of course!" Natalie and I smiled excitedly.

Natalie then went in to say, "The baby's doing fine. I had a check up just yesterday. The doc says the baby's healthy so far."

I genuinely smiled, "I'm so happy for you both! I feel like this year is going to be so successful and positive for the two of you!"

Aria smiled, "Thanks, but don't exclude yourself from that success and positivity."

"Exactly," Natalie agreed. "Just because the year started off bumpy doesn't mean that it has to end that way. Besides, you said that you and Damien are on good terms now, you're just not intimate."

"Which will change with due time once you feel that he's been punished enough or even if you give into your urges, which is okay as well. If you wanna have sex with Damien, that's nobody's business, and you shouldn't feel bad for wanting to. You can punish him in other ways or just put everything aside and move on together. No one's judging you," Aria added.

I huffed, "My dad is. He barely even calls anymore, and when he does, it's just to check up on Aurora. That's the only time he visits too, and he does so when Damien is at work. He's still angry that Damien is even around after working for Carson & Co."

"If Damien is causing so much trouble for him, why doesn't he just hire Damien and call it a day?" Natalie frowned.

I shrugged, "I was thinking the same thing. It would seem like a smart thing to do, but at the same time, he doesn't trust Damien."

"He's still on that kidnap shit?" Aria frowned, and I nodded. "That was months ago. He's dragging it, for real. Uncle Nick be doing too much."

"And Damien is spiting him to aggravate him even more," I sighed while nodding in agreement to what Aria said. "I wish the two could just be adults about the situation, talk it out, and hash the beef. Their beef isn't only affecting them, but the entire family as well."

They nodded in agreement while sighing. Natalie then suggested, "Why don't we try to bring them together?"

"How?" Aria and I frowned.

Natalie answered, "We trap them in a room together, force them to talk with each other and come to a mutual agreement to at least respect each other and coexist."

"I guess we can try," I shrugged. "That's assuming that they don't end up physically fighting though."

We all hissed at the thought before laughing about the idea of the two actually fighting instead of being bigger persons.

Aria giggled, "In the meantime, let's brainstorm other punishments for Damien so that this girl can finally get some dick."

I playfully hit her shoulder as we all burst into laughter again. I then announced, "I know a way to fix both problems."

"Spill!" Natalie smiled.

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