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Friday, Damien's POV
"You know," I said as I adjusted my gun on the rock, "when Nico told me that we were going shooting, I thought he meant at a gun range or even playing ball. Didn't take either of you as the type to go hunting."

Nico chuckled, "If I said hunting you probably would've turned the offer down."

"Why is that?" Carter asked with a frown as he steadied his gun as well.

"I've never shot anything living before," I admitted. "When you had Junior and Titan teach me how to fire a gun, I was taught firing at nonliving things."

"Well," Carter replied, "there's a first for everything."

We stayed in the position in silence for a while before I asked, "How long are we gonna stay in this-"

"Shh!" Carter hushed me, and as soon as he did, what looked like a big deer with large antlers entered our view.

I whispered, "You flew us out to the mountains to hunt reindeers?"

Nico burst out laughing, "It's an elk, dumb ass," and the elk ran off from the sound of his laughter.

"Same shit," I burst out laughing as well. "Out here hunting Rudolph."

The three of us burst out into laughter, and I was partly surprised that Carter found my joke funny. Before the whole kidnapping situation, he and I had actually been cool, so I wasn't that surprised that he was being cool now. I just thought he'd still be reserved since we recently made up, but I guess he truly was putting the bad blood behind us.

Once our laughing died down, I questioned, "Why hunting though? Do you even eat what you hunt?"

Carter answered, "Well, hunting involves patience, practice, and good targeting. In addition, there are numerous ways to hunt and shoot animals. The main reason, though, is because it was something my father liked doing. He used to take me hunting with him and my older brother and would donate whatever food we hunted to those in need that eat whatever we'd hunt."

Nico added, "It's a family tradition for the father to take his sons hunting and teach them the Carter Method."

Carter teased, "And since my daughter is so bent on having you around," and the three of us chuckled, "I thought I might as well invite you to tag along. You may not be married to my daughter as yet, but you are still part of my family. I wouldn't have Aurora without you."

I gave a respectful nod in understanding before asking, "What's the Carter Method?"

Carter smiled, "You must never tell anyone of this family secret."

I chuckled while nodding in agreement.

He then started telling me the secret Carter Method, and after that, the three of us spent the day hunting elk that we later donated to a local impoverished family not too far out.


I entered the house, and Sagacity walked out of the living room with a big smile on her face. "How did it go?" Sagacity smiled as I kicked my boots off and took off my jacket.

"Actually, really fun," I admitted. "Saw a side of your father that I've never really seen before."

City teased, "Finally understand that he has a soul, I see."

I chuckled, "Precisely," and she giggled in response. Aurora then came running out of the living room and into my arms.

"Daddy!" Aurora exclaimed, causing a wide smile to stretch across my face.

"Hey, Pumpkin," I smiled before smooching her cheek.

"Are we still on for the group link tomorrow?" City questioned, and I nodded with a wide smile. "You know, today was a very important step for the relationship you and my dad have. For him to invite you to a traditional family event is actually really huge."

I nodded, "He told me all about it. He also acknowledged me being part of his family." City squealed while jumping, causing me to chuckle at her excitement. I knew how much this meant to her, and I was happy to see her so uplifted.

"Are you and Grandpa friends now?" Aurora asked, and I nodded. Aurora happily bounced in my arms while giggling, and I chuckled once again.

It felt nice seeing the two of them so happy now that I had resolved things with Carter. It instantly made me think about what that meant for the mission, though. Things felt better with Carter and me getting along. City and Aurora were way happier that way, and their happiness meant everything to me.

But Carter was also responsible for my father's death. He was also responsible for the pain I endured as a child.

I wondered if it was all a misunderstanding. Did my mother get it all wrong? What if Carter wasn't the person behind my father's death? If he were, was there a reasonable justification? Did he kill him by accident- like a crossed in the bonfire type of thing? Did an explanation even mattered?

I knew I'd have to update my mother soon. Part two of Connect Four had been in effect once I was hired for Carter's company. Part three would be tearing down the company without Carter taking notice to it, but I wasn't sure I wanted to continue with the mission. I needed clarity in order to decide whether I'd let my mother's plan play out. I just didn't know where to get that clarity from...

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