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Sagacity's POV
A knock sounded on my door, and I assumed that it was Damien. "Yes?" I asked, and he opened the door and entered my room. He had slept in the guest room last night.

"Are your bags packed?" he asked, and I shook my head, which was a lie. "Why?"

"I cancelled the flight," I answered, and a blank stare came across his face. "Last night was not okay, Damien. I'm not going on a vacation with you after what you did."

Damien frowned, "What I did? So your father wasn't the one who initiated the whole argument?"

"Yes," I nodded, "but things shouldn't have ended the way it did. You completely tuned me out. You tuned everyone out."

"You wanted me to just sit and take all that crap your dad was saying?" he frowned. "Instead of trying to pin the blame and anger on me, why don't you go talk to your dad?"

"I'm pissed at him too, believe me. I just wish you would talk to me about why there's so much hostility between you two," I answered as a I climbed out of bed and walked over to him. "I feel like there's something much more than what was said last night."

Damien admitted, "There is."

"Why won't you tell me about it then?" I asked, and he sighed as he stuck his hand in his pockets.

"I just can't right now, City," he answered as he broke eye contact with me and instead stared at the floor. He then connected eyes with me and sighed, "My mind isn't gonna change about your dad, and I know that hurts you. For that, I'm sorry."

Not understanding, I asked, "What did he do, Dame?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," he reinforced, and I decided to drop the argument because it became clear to me that he wouldn't be telling me about whatever issue he had with my father.

"Okay," I nodded.

"I'm sorry though, for real," he apologized while cupping my cheek, and I nodded, even though I wasn't sure what he was apologizing about.

I nodded, "It's okay," but he shook his head.

"It's really not," he disagreed. "I love you so much, Sagacity, and you and Aurora mean the world to me, and I never want you to forget that."

I playfully frowned, "Why are you saying this like you're about to break my heart or some shit?"

He cracked a faint smile while stroking my cheek. He then cleared his throat while dropping his hand, causing a slight frown to form on my face. What was up with him?

"I didn't cancel the flight yet, by the way," I confessed, and he chuckled to himself.

He smiled, "I know. You do this cute little thing with your eyes every time you lie."

"What thing?" I frowned all while blushing. I liked that he paid attention to even the small things about me, and I liked it even more that he liked those small things about me. I truly had no idea what eye thing he was talking about though.

He teased, "If I tell you, you're not gonna do it anymore, then I'm not gonna be able to tell when you're lying."

"Wowwww," I replied with amusement laced in my voice, and he smiled while patting my head, so I slapped his hand away.

"When's the flight?" he questioned.

I informed, "Tonight at 9."

"When you're completely done packing, let me know so I can put the bags in the car. Try to finish before Rory wakes tho. I wanna take y'all somewhere before we head to the airport."

I nodded, "Okay."

He quickly smooched my lips before heading out my room and down the stairs. I then went into my closet and took out the duffel I had packed already. It was still very early in the morning, and Aurora was still fast asleep. I went into her room and took out the bag I had packed for her and brought it to my room. I then went through her clothes and took out an outfit, even though I wasn't sure were Damien was planning to take us. When I was done, I looked clothes for myself and then began making breakfast. It wasn't before long that Damien joined me in the kitchen and helped me prepare breakfast.

"So...where are you planning to take us?" I asked, curiosity keeping me from wanting whatever Damien had planned to stay as a surprise.

"You'll know when you get there," he smiled as he took the dishes out of the cabinet.

A/N: forgot to post so I'll post another chapter 😌

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