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Sagacity's POV

"Y'all still not back together?" Natalie frowned, and I shook my head.

Aria frowned, "That doesn't sound like Damien, especially because you're pregnant. He'd try to work things out with you at least for the baby's sake."

"Two months ago, I told him I had an abortion, and since I'm not showing, he believes that I'm not pregnant," I sighed.

Natalie frowned, "Girl! Why the fuck would you have him believe that?!"

"I wanted to get him upset," I shamefully admitted. "I know it's wrong. I just thought he'd at least chase after me and fight for our relationship instead of letting things go. It was another slap to the face, especially after he told me that he wasn't ready to marry me. Apparently, he's fine not being with me at all!"

"He hasn't even kept me updated, so I honestly don't even know what's going on in his head," Aria chimed in. "He does care about you, though. I can tell you that much. He sounded like he really wanted to fix things back in Europe."

Natalie suggested, "Maybe he thinks you're better off without him. You did throw the fact that he keeps ruining your relationship with your dad in his face."

"That, and he probably feels a type of way about the abortion. I know when you were a bit iffy about Aurora, he respected you wanting to have an abortion and was supportive either way. I also know that he low key wanted you to keep the baby because he actually likes kids. Obviously, it's your body, and you should have the ultimate say, and either way, he's going to respect your decision, but he's probably upset that you didn't at least talk to him about it. Even though you didn't actually have the abortion, he doesn't know that," Aria reasoned.

Natalie agreed, "Yeah, it's the manner in which you went about it that would upset him. Didn't you also say that you gave him the ring back?"

"Yes," I answered. "Do you think he threw it away?"

Aria chuckled, "That would be dumb. I'd pawn it, to be honest. That's a waste of 200k, and he don't got it like that to be like that ain't nothing."

"You think he pawned it?!" I nervously asked. I actually really liked the ring. I had been wearing it for so long that it felt off not wearing it anymore.

"Girl, I don't know," Aria chuckled. "I'm just saying he'd probably pawn it as opposed to throwing it away."

To keep me from thinking about the ring, Natalie said, "Let's assume that he kept it. How exactly are things with him now?"

"We don't talk," I answered. "We probably might share a few words with each other if we're around Aurora so things don't seem off, but that's about it. He doesn't look at me, he avoids me whenever he can, he doesn't eat any of the food I make, even when I intentionally make more than I would for the three of us. Some nights he comes in late, some nights he comes in a bit early. Do you think he's seeing someone?"

"There's no way he moved on that fast," Natalie shook her head. "If he really loved you, he'd still think about you. Even if he got a little side piece, he's probably gonna drop her once you take him back."

"But how does that look? We get into a fight and break up and you just decide to go fuck someone else?" I asked. "I'd honestly be hurt by that, even if he takes me back."

Aria sighed, "Let's just hope that he's still single, still fucks with you, and hasn't thrown away pawned the ring. I also think you should talk to him before more time passes. There's still room to talk things out and make everything work."

I inhaled and exhaled a long breath while nodding. Timely, I heard the front door open, so I whispered, "He's home. I'll call you back."

I took a few short breaths before walking to my mirror and making sure I looked at least descent, as opposed to the nervous wreck I was on the inside.

As I began leaving my room, I felt my hand begin to shake, and I immediately got a bad feeling in my stomach. "Damien?" I called out as I walked to the stairs, catching him right as he closed the door.

"What?" he asked as he began walking off. I tried to speed down the stairs to catch up to him but tripped on my silk robe and tumbled down half of the steps.

My mouth parted, but no sound came out as I mentally screamed at the pain I was feeling. Damien rushed over to me and worriedly asked, "Are you okay?!" I shook my head while lowly trying to stand, but I ached all over. A few tears began welling up in my eyes from the pain, but I forced myself to hold them in. "Oh shit, Sagacity! Your mouth is bleeding!" He cupped my chin and tilted my head up before shaking his head. "You burst your lip on the way down." He stretched out a hand to help me, and I slowly stood while wincing at the pain.

"I...wanted to speak with you," I said as I wiped away the blood trickling down my chin using the back of my hand. "Just let me get an ice pack real quick." I began limping to the kitchen, but I was swooped into his arms and taken to the living room instead. He placed me on one of the couches before leaving and coming back with a few ice packs. I winced as he placed them on my bruised elbows, thighs, lips, and head."

"What do you wanna speak about?" he asked as stared into my eyes, which he hadn't done in a while.

"I wanted to say-" I was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing. As he checked the caller ID, I got a quick glance of it and saw the name Ashley pop up. "Work?" I asked, but he shook his head, causing a pang in my chest.

"Gimme a sec," he said before taking the call and walking away. "I'm a bit busy right now. I'll call you back." He walked over to me while asking, "What were you saying?"

I immediately began growing nervous again, and it didn't make me feel any better seeing a lipstick print in the collar of his sleeve. Immediately, my head began to spin as one of my nightmares began to unfold in front of me. I was pregnant for a guy that didn't have feelings for me nor want to be with me anymore.

Suddenly, a feeling of sickness invaded my body, and I hurled upwards as I held my aching stomach and threw up onto the ground.

"Are you sick?" he frowned as he watched me, and he reached to touch my forehead, only to find my temperature regular. He then checked my neck, and I was sure there felt regular as well. "Did you eat something bad?" I shook my head as tears began rolling down my cheeks. I then leaned forward and threw up again. It was embarrassing enough that I had fallen down the stairs. Now I was throwing up in front of him the same night I found out he was sleeping with someone else. He held my hair back and worriedly questioned, "Do you wanna go to the hospital or call over a private doctor?"

"No," I said while standing and limping around the mess I made. He took my hand to help me walk, but I pulled my hand from his hold. I could smell her perfume all over him. "I'm fine. Just forget it. I'll clean this up and go off to bed."

"Let me help you up to your room. I got the mess," he offered, but I shook my head.

"I don't need your help. Ashley sounds like she does though," I said as I limped off. "Night."

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