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***{Draco's POV}"Father and I are in the Ministers box

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{Draco's POV}
"Father and I are in the Ministers box. Personally invited by Cornelius Fudge himself-" Draco said proudly before his father Lucius pushed the bottom of his sliver snake cane into his chest. He said, "Don't boast, Draco. Not to people like them."

He smirked at his father as he rubbed the spot his father hit before they walked up to the ministers qudditch box. As they walked, the Slytherin could hear a familiar voice, one that he hadn't heard since last year.

"Ok, be nice. If you can't be nice, at least be civil." The airy voice of Astrid Lux filled his ears as he stepped up the last few step and saw her long, poofy, white hair that seemed longer then when he last saw it. When she heard the creaking of the stairs, she turned and saw Draco standing there with his father some steps behind him.

Her face lit up into a big smile at the sight of the platinum haired boy. She rushed forward and hugged him tightly, catching him off guard. He flushed red as she dug her face into his black button-up shirt. She moved her head away so the underside of her chin was resting on his chest as that was as much as she could reach. He hugged her back as he was recovering from shock.

His father walked up the steps and raised an eyebrow at the two teens then his eyes darted to the Astrid's mother, Professor Lux and the small child next to her.

Astrid looked to Draco's right and saw his father. They looked so much alike. To the hair color, eyes, skin tone, even the same jaw line!

Draco cleared his throat and said, "Father, this is Astrid. Astrid, this is my father, Lucius Malfoy."

Astrid smiled and held out her hand to the older Malfoy and said, "It's very nice to meet, Mr. Malfoy. Draco has told me all about you. He's quite proud." Lucius almost looked surprised at the girls enthusiasm, since most people were scared and/or shyed away from every having to meet him. But he still gave her a small, probably fake, smile and shook her much smaller hand.

"And I you. I must admit Draco has talked quite a bit about you as well." Draco could feel the heat rising up his neck and to his cheeks. That wasn't a complete lie. He didn't really talk to his father about girls he fancied because he never really fancied anyone like this. He had also thought that his father wouldn't understand as he was set into an arranged marriage.

But he talked to his mother about Astrid during Winter Break and the summer. She normally smiled and nodded that he had made other friends then those two dumb twats he hang out with. Even though by the way he was describing her, he had more than friendship feelings for this person.

Lucius looked away from Astrid and looked at the woman behind her with blank, almost unrecognizable face. The professor did the same.


"Lucius. I shouldn't be surprised you're here with your reputation." Astrid swatted at her mother and mouthed, what Draco could only assume to be, 'be nice.'

Her mother sighed but forced out "I'm glad to see your doing well yourself, Lucius."

"To you the same. Who's this little one here?" The older Malfoy looked to the woman's side as he said this which made Draco look as well. At Ms. Lux's side was a small child, probably 10 or 11 with darker blonde hair from her mother and big blueish green eyes that stared up at the Malfoys.

"This is my youngest daughter, Niko. She be going into her first year at Hogwarts." 'Oh, so this most be the younger sister that Astrid had told me about.' Draco thought to himself as he looked between the younger Lux sisters. They looked slightly different but almost the same. They had the same skin tones but Astrids was a little lighter and their eyes shapes and face shapes were the same too, which was probably from Ms. Lux's side of the family. But you could definitely see the differences as they had different fathers and the same mother.

The younger sister gave a shy wave to the taller man, no doubt probably a little scared of him. The two teens stood next each other while the parents ended up talked to Fudge about who knows what.

Draco leaned over to the girl next to him and asked, "You're going to embarrass her once she goes to Hogwarts, aren't you?"

"Oh totally." She said with small smile on her face as she thought about what she could do to embarrass her little sister in front of potential friends.

Everything was going smoothly and fine until the Death Eaters attacked.

~His Hufflepuff~ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now