The Strange Girl In A Cloak/Papa's Off For His Convention

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Beau was so engrossed in his book, he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. He bumped into someone spilling their goods, which were mainly paintbrushes and easels.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." He said bending down to help the person pick up their brushes.

"It's okay."

Beau looked up when he noticed the person was a girl. She wore a black cloak and the hood covered most of her face but not her (e/c) eyes which seemed to draw him in.

Beau caught himself when he realized he was staring.

"Oh um…" They both got up. "You must really love painting." He said to the girl who smiled slightly.

"It's what I love doing the most. Well since I have a lot of free time."

"Me too." Beau exclaimed but then stuttered. "H…have a l…lot of free time. I mean, I…don't paint. Not that painting is bad, I just do something entirely different in my f…free time. I read." The girl giggled and Beau blushed.

"That's nice."

"Really? You don't think it's weird that I read a lot?"

"No why would I?" Beau smiled widely. "That book you have is a really good one." She added shyly.

"You've read it?" Beau asked excitedly. The girl nodded.

"Hmm mmm. It's one of my favorites."

"It's one of mine too." The two smiled at each other, (e/c) eyes staring into brown eyes.

Then Beau realised he was still holding her brushes and stretched them to her. "Here."

"Oh thank you." She stretched out her hand to take them, but then Beau noticed the large burn scar covering all of her arm, then he gasped.

"You're hurt." He said concerned.

"What?" She looked down at her arm, and then gasped covering it and pulling the hood over her face more. "I have to go." She said in a panicky voice and then turned and began speed walking away from him

"Wait." Beau said going after her, but then she mixed into the crowd, making it hard for Beau to follow her. "Mademoiselle, please wait."

A (f/c) handkerchief fell from her dress and Beau rushed to pick it up. He looked at it closely and saw the initials, (your initials), on it, then clutched it tightly as he looked around trying to spot her, sighing when he couldn't.

He kept staring at the handkerchief, smiling at the thought of the girl he just conversation with. She was the first who made him feel like he wasn't odd, he really hoped to see her again. Then he placed the handkerchief in his pocket, and started reading his book again.

"Hello Beau." He lifted up his head to see Gabrielle, Gaston and Lefou standing in front of him.

"Bonjour Gabrielle." Said girl grabbed his book from him. "Gabrielle, may I have my book, please?"

"How can you read this? There's no pictures." Gabrielle said flicking through it.

"Well, some people use their imagination."

"Beau, it's about time you got your head out of those books." She tossed the book to her brother who threw it into the mud. "And paid attention to more important things……like me. The whole town's talking about it. It's not right for a man to read, soon he starts getting ideas and thinking."

"Gabrielle, you are positively primeval." Beau said picking up his book, cleaning the mud off.

"Why thank you Beau." She said clenching his arm and batting her eyelashes at him. "Hey, whaddya say you and me take a walk over to the tavern? We could get a drink and my brother could show you his hunting trophies. Won't you Gaston? Gaston!"

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