Take Me In His Place

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Phillipe took Beau deep into the woods, coming to stop by the dark castle.

"What is this place?" Phillipe started backing up in fear. "Phillipe, please, steady."

Beau came down from the horse and entered through the gate to the castle's courtyard. He looked down and gasped when he saw his father's hat on the ground. "Papa."


"Here you go." [Y/n] said as she slid a tray of food into the prisoner's cell. "You didn't get to eat earlier. And here's a blanket to keep you warm." She handed him a blanket.

"Thank you so much dear." Maurice said sincerely to the girl, then he noticed her cloak. "You don't have to hide them from me, I've seen them before remember?"

[Y/n] turned away and then pulled her hood down, giving Maurice a full view of her scars.

"Oh you poor child." He said glancing at her with pity making [Y/n] frown.

"Eat up. Before the food gets cold." Maurice immediately starts eating.

"You're the one those um……items call Mistress?" He asked between chewing and she nodded. "Won't your Master be furious when he finds out you're feeding me?"

"He won't. Besides, I can handle him." She slid down the wall next to the cell.

"But dear, you're so young, about my son's age. Why do they call you Mistress? Are you married to the Master? Is he the one who gave you those scars?" Maurice asked and [Y/n] gave a small laugh.

"No I'm not married to him. He's my brother actually."


"And he wasn't the one who gave me these scars." [Y/n] said placing a hand on her scarred face.

"Then how did you get them, if you don't mind me asking."

"It's a long story." [Y/n] sighed.

Maurice saw that she was ashamed of her scars, he reached out of the cell placing a hand on her arm making her turn to him.

"These scars aren't what define you dear. You shouldn't worry about having a perfect face, you have a beautiful heart and that's what really counts." [Y/n] smiled and placed her forehead on Maurice's own through the cell gate.

"Thank you so much sir."

"You're welcome my dear." [Y/n] stood up and took the empty tray from the cell.

"I should take these back to the kitchens. I'll come visit you more often so you don't feel lonely."

"I would really appreciate that my dear."

[Y/n] smiled and went downstairs, leaving the tower, to the kitchens. She dropped the tray, and when back to her room. Missing the certain brown-eyed boy who had just entered the castle.


"Couldn't keep quiet, could we? Just had to invite him to stay, didn't we? Serve him tea, sit in the Master's chair, pet the pooch…" Cogswarth said,complaining about the whole situation.

"The Mistress was just trying to be hospitable." Lumiere said.

"Hello?" Beau said as he entered the castle. "Is anyone here? Hello? Papa? Papa are you here?"

He went up the stairs to continue searching for his father.

Meanwhile, Mrs Potts was getting ready to do the dishes in the kitchen. Which also meant, bath time for Chip.

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