Home Sweet Castle?

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A cloaked figure slowly opened the door to a large castle. The figure cautiously looked around before entering and closing the door gently. They looked around again and tiptoed towards the dark hallway when-

"Ah! Mistress you have returned." [Y/n] turned around abruptly and shushed Lumiere, a candelabra, who had exclaimed.

"Keep it down Lumiere, you want me to get caught?"

"Oops. So sorry princess."

"W...well Mistress, you shouldn't have left the castle. When the master finds out..." Cogswarth, a pendulum clock, started.

"The Master will definitely find out if you don't stay quiet."

"Already too late for that Mistress." [Y/n] turned and gasped when she saw her brother snarling at her. She gulped.

"Ah! Master, how are you this fine evening?" Lumiere asked trying to lighten the mood (no pun intended).

"Where have you been?" Beast asked his sister, ignoring Lumiere.

"I...I was just outside..."

"Liar!" He shouted cutting her off. "I saw you from the mirror. You left the castle and went to that nearby town."

"I just wanted to get new paintbrushes..."

"Silence! We have lots of paintbrushes here in the castle. Tell me the real reason why you went out."

"Well, why wouldn't I want to go out? I've been stuck inside this castle for 10 years, I needed fresh air."

"There's plenty of fresh air out in the garden."

"Then maybe I'm sick and tired of this place, ever taught of that?" Beast growled and lifted her up with her cloak.

"Master, please be gentle. She's your sister." Cogswarth said.

"You will not leave this castle ever again. Is that clear?" He dropped her and began to walk away.

"And what if I do? What will I do then?"

"If you do, you'll have absolutely no where to go."

"I do have a place to go." [Y/n] said hesitantly.

"And where exactly is that? That town you went to today? Do you really think anyone will take you in? Look at you." Beast removed her hood, revealing her half burnt face. "No one will take in a hideous girl like you."

"Now Master, that wasn't very polite." Cogswarth said as the Beast walked away.

"You should really apologize." Lumiere finished making the Beast snarl at him.

"C...carry on Sire." The Beast walked away to his room.

[Y/n] sighed and picked up her paintbrushes from the floor.

"So sorry Mistress, I'm sure he didn't mean..."

"It's okay Lumiere. I'm used to it anyways."

[Y/n] walked into the dining room.

"Yay, [Y/n]'s back." Chip, a small adorable teacup exclaimed happily, and hopped on to the girl's palm making her giggle.

"How was the market dear?" Mrs Potts, a teapot and Chip's mother, asked from her spot on the dinning table.

"It was okay." [Y/n] answered sadly. "Hi Sultan." She said petting the footstool like dog, who came barking to greet her.

"Is everything alright my dear?"

"Mistress here just had a run in with the master." Lumiere informed.

"Oh dear. Darling are you okay?"

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