You're Leaving For Real This Time/Go With Him

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Beau and [Y/n] went over to the balcony to gaze at the starry sky, [Y/n] leaning against Beau, both with smiles on their faces.

"Beau?" [Y/n] started nervously. "Are you happy here with me……uh….us. Are you happy here with us?"

"Yes." Beau answered hesitantly, and then looked away from her staring into the distance solemnly.

"What is it?" [Y/n] asked concerned when she saw the look on his face.

"If only I could see my father again, just for a moment. I miss him so much." Beau said sadly.

[Y/n] looked down disappointed but then she perked up.

"There is a way"


Beast, Beau and [Y/n] all stood in Beast's room and Beast hands Beau the magic mirror

"This mirror will show you anything, anything you wish to see."

"I'd like to see my father, please." Beau said hesistantly.

The mirror flashed, making Beau reflexively turn his head. It reveals Maurice lost in the woods, stumbling, coughing and shivering.

Beau looks shocked and the siblings looked at him in concern.

"Papa. Oh no he's sick. He must be dying and he's all alone."

Beast turned and looks at the rose which now had a few petals left, in deep thought.

"Then….you-you must go to him." He finally said.

"What?" Beau and [Y/n] asked surprised.

"I release us. You are no longer my prisoner."

"You mean……I'm free? You're letting me go?" Beau asked still surprised.


"Oh thank you." Then he turned to the mirror. "Hold on Papa, I'm on my way."

Beau turned to look at the girl he was sure he had fallen in love with, taking note of the sad look in her eyes.


"No, you have to go. He's your father and.……you have a responsibility to him."

"Thank you so much for understanding." He said sincerely and pushed the mirror back to Beast who shook his head.

"Take it with you, so you'll always have a way to look back and remember us."

"Thank you for understanding how much he needs me." Beau said making the siblings look down.

Beau reached out and touched Beast's arm making him look up. He put his hand forwarded and exchanged a handshake with him.

He turned to [Y/n] who looked at him with tears in her eyes. He gazed at her solemnly and then shook his head. He couldn't say goodbye to her, he just didn't want to.

Beau turned and left.

[Y/n] watched him go with tears streaming down her face.

"Go with him."

"What?" [Y/n] said confused, turning to her brother.

"Go with him. I know how deeply you feel for him and how much it's hurting you to see him go, and I hate to see you hurt."

"But I can't. I can't leave you here. You're my brother and family comes first……"

"I know. But I also know you want to be with him. Besides, he'll need help taking care of his father."

"But.……" She reached up to touch her scarred cheek.

"Don't worry about your scar. You have a good heart and that's what people will really care about." [Y/n] sniffled and hugged Beast, crying softly.

"Thank you so much."

She rushed off to her room to pack and met Beau at the courtyard, her signature cloak on.

"Hey." Beau turned to see the (s/c) girl and he was surprised. "You're not just gonna leave without a proper goodbye now, are you?"


"I'm coming with you."

"What? But did Beast…."

"Adam let me go. He said you'll need help in taking care of your father. And he's right."


"Beau, I wanna help you." Beau sighed.

"Fine. Come on, let's go."


"Well your Highness, I must say everything is going just swimmingly. I knew you had it in you. Ha ha." Cogswarth said to Beast, entering his room.

"I let them go." Beast said sadly.

"Ha ha ha, yes. Splend……" Cogswarth stopped. "You what?"

"Beau had to go and I told [Y/n] to go with him."

"How could you do that?"

"I had to."

"Yes……yes……yes, but why?"

"Because, I love her."

"He did what?!" All the objects exclaimed as Cogswarth told them what Beast had done.

"Yes, I'm afraid it's true."

"[Y/n]'s going away?" Chip asked sadly.

"But they were so close." Lumiere said.

"After all this time, he's finally learned to love." Mrs Potts said sadly.

"That's it then. That should break the spell." Lumiere said hopefully.

"But it's not enough. [Y/n] has to love him in return." Mrs Potts reminded.

"Now it's too late." Cogswarth finished solemnly.

Beast watched Beau and his sister leave from the balcony in his room. He roars in pain and anger, his roar turning to the sound of the wind.

Beau and [Y/n] had reached the middle of the forest and saw Maurice face plant on the snow.

"Papa." Beau said with aching heart.

[Y/n] helped him get Maurice up and together they took him home.

~Hey guys.

This chapter was really heartbreaking to write, I almost cried.

But then again, it was also very difficult.

I was going to have the reader stay behind, but then I realized it won't fit in with the plot I have for the remaining chapters.

Oh well, I'm happy with the way it turned out though.

See you in the next chapter.

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