Human Again

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"Right then! You all know why we're here. We have exactly 12 hours, 36 minutes and 15 seconds to create the most magical, spontaneous atmosphere known to man or beast. Or beast……" Cogswarth paused to chuckle as he stood talking with the castle staff.

"Right. Need I remind you that if the last petal falls from the rose, the spell will never be broken! Very well. You all know your assignments. Half of you to the West Wing, half of you to the East Wing, the rest of you, come with me."

"Haha, lighten up Cogswarth and let nature take it's course." Lumiere said.

"It's obvious they're more closer than before and it's also obvious that there's a spark between our dear [Y/n] and Beau." Mrs Potts added.

"Yes yes yes……but there's no harm in fanning the flames, you know a little. Besides, they must feel the ultimate sibling connection tonight if we ever expect to be human again." Cogswarth stated firmly. "And a plus, the Mistress and the Monseuir Beau will fall deeply in love."

"Aaah……human again……" Lumiere sighed.

"Human again.…" Mrs Potts added.

"Yes, think what that means……"

I'll be cooking again, be good-looking again
With a Mademoiselle on each arm
When I'm human again, only human again
Poised and polished and gleaming with charm
I'll be courting again, chic and sporting again

Which should cause several husbands alarm!

Ha ha!
I'll hop down off this shelf and tout de suite, be myself

I can't wait to be human again

When we're human again, only human again
When we're knicknacks and whatnots no more
When we're human again, good and human again

Oh Cherie, won't it all be top drawer?
I'll wear lipstick and rouge, and I won't be so huge
Why I'll easily fit through that door!
I'll excude savoir faire
I'll wear gowns, I'll have hair
It's my prayer to be human again

When we're human again, only human again
When the world once more starts making sense

I'll unwind for a change

Really? That'd be strange

Can I help it if I'm t-t-tense?
In a shack by the sea, I'll sit back sipping tea
Let my early retirement commence!
Far from fools made of wax
I'll get down to brass tacks and re-LAXXXXX!

When I'm human again!
So sweep the dust from the floor
Let's let some light in the room
I can feel, I can tell
The spell might be broken any day now!
Shine up the brass on the door
Alert the dust pail and the broom
If it all goes as planned
Our time may be at hand any day now

Open the shutters and let in some air!

Put these here and put those over there

Sweep up the years
The sadness and tears and throw them away


We'll be human again, only human again
When our Mistress finally sets us all free
Cheeks a-blooming again, we're assuming again
We'll resume our long lost joie de vivre
We'll be playing again, holidaying again
And we're praying it be ASAP!
Little push, little shove
Monseuir Beau and Miss [Y/n] could even fall in love
And we'll finally be human again

"So the four mortal lovers went back to Athens and were married; and the fairy King and Queen live happily together in that very wood at this very day." [Y/n] said reading Shakespeare's 'A midsummer night's dream' to Beast, Beau also reading on another couch. All were in the library.

"Could you read it again?"

"Well here." She handed the book to him. "Why don't you read it to me?"

"Uh……alright…. Hm……um……I-I can't." Beast admitted.

"What? Come on I know you learned how to. Mom and Dad did hire tutors for us back then."

"I learned, a little. It's just been so long……"

"Well here, I'll help you. Let's start……here."

"Here……ok. Nown?"

"Now." Beau said from where he was sitting, smugly smiling at Beast.

"Now. I knew that." Beast said, glaring at Beau and then went back to reading. "Now, in Athens, where they lived, there was a wicked law……"

We'll be dancing again, we'll be twirling again
We'll be whirling around with such ease
When we're human again, only human again
We'll go waltzing these old one-two-threes
We'll be floating again, we'll be gliding again
Stepping, striding, as fine as you please!
Like a real human does, I'll be all that I was
On that glorious morn, when we're reborn
And we're all of us human


~Hey y'all

I'm so sorry about this chapter. But I really love this song and I couldn't help but do a chapter for it.

The next chapter is called Beauty And The Beast, and it's a beautiful one.

P.s, we have only five chapters to go for this book to be over.


So let's go.

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