Thank You!!!!

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Hey Guys!

We've officially reached the end of the story.

I want so say a big thank you to all of you who supported me with all your comments and votes.

Really the comments really warm my heart.

Thank you so much

This story has really been a long journey and it was fun, right?

Anyways I just wanted to say that I had a lot of challenges with this story.

Most time I didn't know what to do and sometimes I was just lost.

There were times I'd stare at the computer for a long time and be like, what the hell am I going to write.

That's because this movie wasn't straightforward at all

It wasn't like Moana, now that was really easy to write.

What I aim at in all my stories is to make the main character still the main character.

I know we're adding an Oc to the story, but I still like to keep the original story plot.

Now for this story, what I was really struggling to write was the sibling's relationship.

I wanted to make the story focus on Beast's quest to learn how to love, and wanted Beau to play a big part in that without being Beast's love interest.

Plus I really wanted to address the issue of insecurity in girls.

I'm a really insecure person. I mean I'm the most insecure person in the world.

I have A LOT of insecurities

And addressing the issue of [Y/n]'s insecurities, is really helping mine.

Anyways, in the end it was good, right?

And that's all folks

On to the next story:

The Batman/Superman Story Oneshot (Batman/Oc and Superman/Oc)

Hopefully I'll publish it before Halloween and it'll be some sort of Halloween present for you guys.

I hope.

Bye guys.

See you next time.

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