A Stranger In The Castle

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Maurice runs to the gate of a castle. The gate opens and he runs in, slamming the gate in the face of the wolves chasing him. Maurice runs to the door of the castle as the rain starts to fall and starts banging on the door, not noticing his hat which fell to the ground. The castle door creaks open and he enters cautiously.

"Hello? Hello?" Maurice called out.

"Old fellow must have lost his way in the woods." Lumiere whispered as he, Cogswarth and [Y/n] hid under a table by the door.

"Keep quiet! Maybe he'll go away." Cogswarth also whispered.

"Is someone there?" Maurice asked when he heard whispering

"Not a word Lumiere. Not one word!" Cogswarth warned the candelabra.

"I don't mean to intrude but I've lost my horse and I need a place to stay for the night." Maurice continued.

"Oh Cogswarth, have a heart." [Y/n] said to the clock who jumped and covered her mouth.

"Shush shush shhhh!" [Y/n]'s eyes narrowed as she motioned to Lumiere who lit his candle and placed it on Cogswarth's bum. "Ow ow ow ouch!"

"Lumiere, why don't you go welcome him in and take him to the den, while I go tell the others that we have a guest so they can prepare some dinner for him."

"Of course Mistress." Lumiere said walking off to do so and [Y/n] walked to the kitchen.

"Oh this is a very bad idea." Cogswarth said frightened.

"Of course Monsieur, you are welcome here."

"Who said that?" Maurice asked confused, then picked up a candlestick, which he didn't realize was the one speaking.

"Over here!" Lumiere said tapping him on the shoulder.

"Where?" He spins looking around in confusion. Lumiere taps the man's head. "Allo!"

"Oh!!" Maurice, startled, dropped the candlestick on the floor. "Incredible."

"Well now you've done it Lumiere." Cogswarth said hopping over. "Splendid, just peachy….aaarrgh!!" He yelled as Maurice picks him up.

"How is this accomplished?" Maurice asked amazed, fiddling with the poor clock.

"Put me down! At once! Stop that! Stop I say!"

Maurice tickles the bottom of Cogswarth's feet making him laugh. Then he begins to wind the spring on the back of Cogswarth's head. Maurice then opened the front of Cogswarth and started playing with his pendulum.

Cogswarth, offended, slams the door shut on his finger. "Sir, close that at once, do you mind?!"

"I beg your pardon, it's just that I've never seen a clock that……aah I mean……aah aah aah choo!" Maurice sneezed in Cogswarth's face.

Cogswarth scrunched his face up in disgust and started wiping it off with his clock hands in a windshield wiper manner.

Maurice sniffles.

"Oh you are soaked to the bone Monsieur. Come, warm yourself by the fire." Lumiere offered leading him over to the den.

"Thank you." Cogswarth ran after them

"No no no, do you know what the Master would do if he finds you here?" Cogswarth asked unaware of The Beast watching them from the shadows.

"I demand that you stop…right…there!"

Maurice walks into the den and sits on a large chair by the fireplace.

"Oh no no. Not the Master's chair!" Sultan rushes past Cogswarth, barking. "I'm not seeing this, I'm not seeing this."

"Well hello there boy." Maurice said as Sultan ran up to him and props himself up under his feet. Then coatrack comes in and takes his cloak. "What service!"

"All right, this has gone far enough. I'm in charge here, and……" Cogswarth gets run over by Mrs Potts teacart.

"How would you like a nice spot of tea, sir? It'll warm you up in no time." Mrs Potts pours some tea into Chip, who hopped over into Maurice's open hand.

"No! No tea! No tea!!!" Cogswarth said from his faced down position on the floor.

"Ha ha, his moustache tickles mama." Chip said as Maurice sipped the tea.

"Oh! Hello!" Maurice said startled by the talking teacup.

"That's it Monsieur, our Mistress wants you to relax and feel at home." Lumiere said.

"Oh does she? She must be a very nice lady indeed." Maurice said curiously.

"Oh she is sir. She's very nice. She's the one who informed us you were in the castle, and she ordered us to take good care of you." Mrs Potts added.

"Contrary to what the Master would've wanted." Cogswarth grumbled quietly.

"Oh is that so, then where is she so I can express my gratitude?" Maurice asked looking around.

The door to the den suddenly bursts open and a large gust of wind blows into the room, putting Lumiere's flames and the fire in the fireplace off.

Cogswarth dives for cover under the rug, and Mrs Potts starts to shake as Chip hides behind her.

"Uh oh!" He said.

Beast enters the room and looks around in the darkness.

"There's a stranger here." He growled. Lumiere relit his flames.

"Master, allow me to explain. The gentleman was lost in the woods. He was cold and wet, so…" Lumiere's sentence is drowned out by the Beast's growl, which puts out his flames again, making him look down dejected.

Cogswarth then came out from under the the rug.

"Master, I'd like to take this moment to say……I was against this from the start. It was all his fault. I tried to stop them, but would they listen to me? No no……" Again, Beast's growl drowns out Cogswarth.

Maurice peeked out of one side of the chair, then turned to the other side, gasping when he sees Beast.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Beast asked glaring at Maurice who backs away in fear.

"I…I…I was lost in the woods and…" Maurice trails off staring at the Beast in fear.

"You are not welcome here!"

"I…I'm…I'm sorry."

"What are you staring at?"

"Noth-noth-nothing!" Maurice said cowering in fear, then he rushed to the stairs to leave but the Beast blocks the entrance.

"So you've come to stare at the Beast, have you?"

"No please, I mean no harm." Maurice said kneeling down.

Beast starts to rise up in full anger when [Y/n] rushed forth standing between him and Maurice.

"No stop! Please!" She begged, putting her arms out. Since her cloak was discarded, Maurice was able to see all her burn scars and he gasped in horror. "Please don't hurt him."

"You. I'm sure he followed you here." Beast growled at her.

"No, no he didn't follow me."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I went out yesterday, and I made sure no one was following me." Beast scoffed. "Please, it was my idea to let him stay at the castle, don't take it out on him."

"Oh poor [Y/n] dear." Mrs Potts whispered.

"Why would you let a stranger into the castle?" Beast yelled into her face.

"He just needed a place to stay." [Y/n] retorted.

"I'll give him a place to stay." Beast growled, picking up Maurice and carried him out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

[Y/n] sank to her knees as tears rolled down her eyes, Mrs Potts and the others coming up to comfort her.

~Aww, poor [Y/n], she was trying to be nice.

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