If It's A Fight They Want, We'll Be Ready For Them

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"I knew it. I knew it was foolish to get our hopes up." Cogswarth said as the objects all stood together.

"Maybe it would have been better if Monseuir Beau had never come at all." Lumiere also said.

Sultan suddenly rushed in barking wildly. The objects rush over to the window expecting to see Beau and/or their Mistress.

"Could it be?"

"Is it she?"

They look out the window and saw an angry mob with torches and pitchforks.

"Sacre Bleu, invaders!" Lumiere yelled.

"Encroachers!" Cogswarth also yelled.

Mrs Potts looked carefully and saw the magic mirror in Gaston's hand and their Mistress trapped in a cage.

"And they've got the mirror. And [Y/n], oh they've trapped her in a cage." She said worriedly.

Cogswarth furrowed his eyebrows determinedly.

"Warn the Master. Sultan, you find a way to get the Mistress out of that cage. If it's a fight they want, we'll be ready for them. Who's with me? Aaaah!" The objects rush off leaving Cogswarth behind.

"Take whatever booty you can find, but remember, the Beast is mine!" Gaston said to the crowd.

"No!" [Y/n] protested, pounding on the door trying to break it down.

Meanwhile, the entire castle staff are seen marching down to battle with the mob outside their door.

Hearts ablaze, banners high!
We go marching into battle
Unafraid, although the danger just increased!

Raise the flag, sing the song
Here we come, we're fifty strong
And fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong
Let's kill the Beast!

Mrs Potts appear in Beast's lair, trying to warn him of the danger that was just at their door.

"Pardon me Master."

"Leave me in peace." Beast answered dejectedly.

"But sir, the castle is under attack!"

Kill the Beast, kill the Beast!

The objects all tried to block off the door, but it was repeatedly bashed by the mob.

"This isn't working." Lumiere stated frustrated.

"Oh Lumiere! We must do something!" Fifi said.

"Wait! I know!" Lumiere said, getting an idea.

Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!

"What shall we do Master?" Mrs Potts said to beast.

"It doesn't matter now. Just let them come."

Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!
Kill the Beast!

The crowd succeeded in breaking the door down and they enter the castle. They look to see an entrance full of assorted furniture, teacups, candlesticks, featherdusters and clocks.

They cautiously enter and Lefou unknowingly picked Lumiere up.

"Now!" Lumiere yelled and the objects sprung to life, attacking the men invading their home.

[Y/n] was still stuck in the cage, trying to find a way out. She heard barking coming from outside and she peeked through a small hole and saw the small doglike footstool.

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