We'll Kill The Beast

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"Beau?" Maurice asked surprised as he opened his eyes and saw his son standing in front of him.

"Shh. It's alright Papa, I'm home." Beau replied and his father pulled him into a hug.

"I thought I'd never see you again."

"I missed you so much." They pulled back

"But the Beast. How did you escape?"

"I didn't escape Papa. He let me go."

"That horrible Beast?"

"But he's different now. He's changed somehow."

[Y/n] entered the room carrying a cup of tea and Maurice looked at her surprised.

"Here drink this." [Y/n] said handing the cup over to Maurice. He took the cup still looking at her surprised.

"You came with him?"

"I knew he would need help taking care of you. So I came too." [Y/n] said standing next to Beau.

"And I'm happy she's here with me Papa." Beau said turning to look at [Y/n] lovingly.

Maurice caught the look in his son's eyes and immediately recognized it.

"Oh. Well thank you for being here dear." Maurice said sincerely to the (s/c) girl.

"You're welcome sir."

A sound came from Beau's pack. The flap opens and the magic mirror falls out with a certain little teacup rolling to a stop on top of it.

"Hi!" Chip said excitedly.

"Chip?" [Y/n] asked in surprise, putting her hand out forward, Chip hopping on top of her palm.

"Oh a stowaway." Beau said jokingly.

"Why hello there little fella. Didn't think I'd ever see you again." Maurice said to Chip.

"Beau, why'd you and [Y/n] go away? Don't you like us anymore?" Chip said with a sad look on his face

"Oh Chip. Of course I do, it's just that……" A knock on the door interrupted Beau's words.

Beau went over to the door and opens it seeing Monseuir d'arque, the town's asylum officer, standing on their porch.

"Can I help you?" Beau asked.

"I've come to collect your father." Monseuir d'arque said.

"My father?" Beau asked confused.

"Don't worry Monseuir." He stepped aside to show the Asylum d'loons wagon behind him. "We'll take good care of him."

"My father's not crazy." Beau stated firmly.

"He was raving like a lunatic." Lefou said, emerging from the crowd that suddenly formed outside the house. "We all heard him, didn't we?"

"Yes!" The crowd said in unison.

"No. I won't let you." Beau argued.

"Beau?" Maurice asked emerging from the house.

"Maurice. Tell us again old man, just how big was the Beast?" Lefou asked mockingly.

"Well, he was……that is ……enormous. I'd say at least eight……no more……like……ten feet." Maurice said struggling making the crowd laugh at him.

"Well, you don't get much crazier than that."

"It's true I tell you!"

D'arque waves his arm and some men move in and pick up Maurice.

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