You're Leaving/He Saved Me/You Have To Help Us

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Beau rushes down the stairs, grabs his cloak and walks past Lumiere and Cogswarth.

"Wh……Where are you going?" Lumiere asked confused.

"Promise or no promise, I can't stay here another minute!" Beau said.

"Oh no, wait, please! Please wait!" Cogswarth called after him, but Beau walked out and slammed the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" [Y/n] asked as she entered, seeing the sad looks on Lumiere and Cogswarth's faces.

"Well Monseuir Beau's leaving Mistress." Lumiere answered.


"He says he can't stay here another minute." [Y/n] rushed out the door and met Beau who was almost out the gate.

"Beau wait!" Beau turned to see the (s/c) girl run up to him. "Where are you going?"

"Back home."


"I can't stay here."

"But we really need you here."

"Look [Y/n], I really appreciate you guys treating me like a guest, but I can't stay under the same roof with your brother."

"I've been staying with him under the same roof all my life."

"That's cause you're used to it, I'm not."


"I'm sorry [Y/n], I'm going." [Y/n] dropped her head in sadness. "Or you can come with me?"

"What?" She asked surprised.

"Come with me." Beau repeated stretching forth his hand.

"I……I can't." [Y/n] said pulling her hood further down.

"Why not? I know you can't stand him anymore. Why do you still stay?"

"I……He's still my brother, and the objects are all my family. This is my home and I can't leave my home." Beau dropped his hand

"Of course. Goodbye [Y/n]." He walked out the gate and got on Phillipe, riding away.

[Y/n] walked back to the castle and sat on the doorsteps with her head in her arms, unaware of her brother watching her through his magical mirror.


Phillipe rides through the forest in the thick snow. Phillipe suddenly comes to a stop. Beau looks up and sees wolves looking at him from the trees. Beau gasps and pulls the reins of the horse as the wolves race after him. He manuveres Phillipe from side to side making the wolves hit the trees.

Phillipe runs into a frozen pond, but his and Beau's weight collapes the ice. The wolves chase them into the water, but some of them got drowned. Phillipe manages to get out of the water and they ride into a clearing. They are suddenly surrounded by wolves, Phillipe bucks and Beau is thrown off, as his reins wrapped around a tree. The wolves cornered him, about to devour him when Beau comes to his rescue and whacks them away with a stick.

One wolf grabs the stick in it's mouth and breaks it in half, another grabs the end of the cloak pulling him to the ground. Beau looks up to see a wolf smiling at him. The wolf pounces but is thrown off by the Beast, who came to Beau's rescue. The wolf shook itself off and lunges at Beast, bitting his shoulder. The others joined in the attack, all scratching and biting. Beast growled, grabbing one off his shoulder, throwing it into a tree. The others back off, running away in fear.

Beast turns to Beau, looking at him solemnly and then he falls to the ground. Beau got up, turning to Phillipe about getting on. But then he turns back to the Beast, looking at him pityingly.


Beau took Beast back to the castle. [Y/n] gasped when she saw them arrive at the gate and she rushed to help Beau bring Beast inside.

In the den, Beau is wrapped up in a blanket and [Y/n] hands him a cup of tea. She kneels in front of him and tucked back the piece of his hair falling out.

"Are you alright?" Beau nodded.

"I'll be fine." [Y/n] smiled at him.

Then she stood up and went to kneel next to her brother. She picks up Mrs Potts and pours hot water out of her into a bowl. Then she soaks a rag in the water and turned to Beast, who was licking his wound.

"Here now. Oh, don't hold that." Beast growled at her as she tried to clean the wound. "Just……hold still." She places the rag on the wound and Beast roared in pain, the castle heads hide in fear.

"That hurts!" He exclaimed.

"If you'd hold still, it wouldn't hurt as much."

"Well if Beau hadn't run away, this wouldn't have happened." Beast said looking at the boy who frowned.

"If you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away." He said.

Beast opened his mouth but stopped when he realized Beau was somewhat right.

"Well you shouldn't have been in the West Wing."

"Well you should learn to control your temper!" Beast raises his hand to counter Beau, but bows his head when he had nothing to say.

[Y/n] moved the rag to the wound again.

"Hold still, this might sting a little." Beast grunts as [Y/n] placed the rag on the wound cleaning it

"By the way thank you, for saving my life." Beau said and Beast turned to him

"You're welcome." Beast replied surprising everyone in the room.

[Y/n] looked away sadly and suddenly got up.

"I'm going to go look for something to bind the wound." She said and walked away from the den, Beau watching her go confused.

"Is she okay?" He asked concerned.

Beast sighed, also sad and then got up and walked away from the den too.

"The Mistress was very honest when she said her and the Master never got along." Lumiere said to Beau. "I imagine she got sad when the Master actually cared enough to reply to your thanks."

"Oh, that bad uh?" The adults nodded.

"That's why we really need you here sir. The Master really needs to learn how to love so that the curse over all of us to be broken." Cogswarth pleaded.

"Not just that, but also so that [Y/n] can finally know love from her brother. The poor girl had always been lonely." Mrs Potts said.

"But the Beast doesn't seem like……" Beau trailed.

"He's willing to learn? Oh he's willing. That's what he wants more than anything."

"Will you please help us? Help us teach them how to love each other." Lumiere pleaded.

Beau dropped his head in thought for a while, and then nodded in determination.

"Okay, I'll do it. I'll help teach the Beast how to love [Y/n]."

"Oh thank you so much." Mrs Potts said gratefully as Lumiere and Cogswarth cheered. "We are eternally grateful."

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