3- Tartarus

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Izuku got dressed and didn't even bother to prepare his own lunch.
Why would he? He wouldn't even get to eat.

Izuku noticed that no one was home,
Did they leave so that they can't see me? Am I that much of a disappointment?

"Pricks" Izuku thought.
Izuku walked out of his house and locked the door, if mom left her key, then it's her fault.

Izuku walked to his school, using a shortcut that he often uses, deep in an alley way. Not much people come here, it's dark and sketchy, but hey. At least I'm alone.


Izuku heard a noise from above.
Izuku saw no one, probably just a cat.

Izuku almost reached the end of the alley way, but he was suddenly kissing the pavement as someone pinned his arm behind his back.

"Ow! What the hell!" Izuku exclaimed.
"That hurts asshole? Who the fuck are you!? A mugger? If so I have no m—"

???: "shut it thief!"

Thief? The hell? Isn't he the thief here?

???: "Izuku Midorya..."
A small voice said. But the voice sounded like it had more authority.

???: "you are here by under arrest for stealing the files containing class 1-A and 1-B quirks."
???: "wait Nezu. We don't even know if the boy really did it! There must be some explanation!"
Nezu: "you saw the footage allmight. This child is a villain."

Izuku heard more shuffling and grunting, like people are trying to stop allmight from grabbing Nezu.

What files!? Me? A villain!? You must be joking! And why is allmight protecting me? He doesn't even know me?

Izuki rushes into the alley, passing the other heroes and pushed the hero, on top of Izuku away.
She then grabbed Izuku's arm, pulling him away from Kamui Woods, who was getting up.

Izuki: "RUN IZU!"

Izuku was trying to process everything that was happening, but he didn't have time.
He was quickly pinned to the ground once more by none other than Katsuki.
Shoto tried to hold Izuki Down.

"Ow! Kaccha—"

"SHUT UP VILLAIN!!!" Bakugo then made a blast so close to Izuku's face, making Izuku freeze.

Nezu: "Kamui! Take him to the jet."
Kamui woods: "yes sir"

Nezu ignored allmight.

Nezu: "face the facts allmight. Not all people you care about are good."

Nezu walked towards Izuku, "And you, I'll make sure to make you taste hell itself!"

Wait waiteaitwaitwaitwait!!!!!!!

Izuku couldn't speak. He was too shocked about all this.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In the jet
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Izuku was silent the whole ride. Afraid of this white rat or bear or whatever. He may be small but he has authority.

Why did allmight plead for me?

Woods: "why did you do it?"

Izuku looked up at Kamui woods

Woods: "why did you steal the files?"
Izuku: "I didn't—"
Nezu: "Lies, listen kid."

Nezu leaned over to Izuku

"You may be quirkless but that doesn't mean you have to be a villain! Now I'm forced to do this!"

"No! I'm telling you! It wasn't me!"
Izuku pleaded. But Nezu ignored him.

Woods: "no point in lying kid. We say you through the cams. Plus even if you say you didn't do it, then who did? The villains sure as hell don't know you exist."


"Why would the villains even think about me? I'm a nobody!"

Woods and Nezu was silent. They didn't even look at him.


Nezu: "Yes you are. Or you were.."
Izuku: "w-what?"
Woods: "your father is allmight..."


"N-no.. that's not true!"
Nezu: "kid, do me a favor and shut up. I'm tired from all this fiasco."
Woods: "imagine the shame it would've brought allmight and your sister.. good thing though, no one knows your related to them. And it sticks that way"

Izuku cried silently, tears dripping down his cheeks. He's been living a lie his whole life.

All he does is smile and endure the pains coming though him, like a steel pipe pumping boiling hot water though it's innards.

Why. Whywhywhywhy!
Told you... you should've just gave up.

They arrived at Tartarus, a fortress in a island built for criminal masterminds, and the worst of the worst.
They torture their inmates day in, day out.
Not even giving them the chance to rest, because after the whips and whacks, they must get to work.

Nezu: "warden, take this one and make sure to give him extras"

The warden was a heavily built man, on which 'to Izuku' looked like he had a strengthening quirk.

Warden: "a kid? What the hell did he do?"
Woods: "he stole U.A. Files"
Nezu: "files that contain the children's quirks and weaknesses. He sold it to the league of villains."
Warden: "oh! Well... you must be a piece of shit huh kid? What's your quirk? Invisibility?"

Izuku: "I— I'm quirkless"

The warden looked at Izuku in disbelief and looked from woods to Nezu, who in turn, nodded.

"Hahahahaha" the warden laughed, "well. This is going to be fun!"

EYO!!!! Leave a vote and comment if you guys have any suggestion or something !!!! Love y'all!!

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