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"Let's get out of here!! Dani!" Spinner said coming out of the forest with Magnet on his tail.

"What's wrong? Do you have the target?" Dabi asked calmly, spinner passed him telling Kurogiri to open the portal fast.

"What the hell happened? What shook him?" Dabi asked Magne, who was out of breath.
"The rider, he's here!" Magne said to Dabi who went wide eyed, "Kurogiri! We have to go!"

"Not until we acquire the target." Kurogiri said calmly, "GOD DAMIT! SCREW THE MISSION! WE WILL DIE IF WE STAY HERE!" Spinner screamed at Kurogiri who remained unfazed, he calmly said to wait for the others.

Spinner swore under his breath, while Magne sunk on the ground, exhausted.

Dabi went into the forest, to look for the others and the target. The faster the get out of here the better.

But what the don't know was that a figure with an extinguished flame, still a skeleton, as to not make a certain someone behind him, aware of who he truly is.

Meanwhile, Shoto engages in combat with the restrained villain (known as Moonfish), using his ice to block the villain's teeth enlarging Quirk.

Moonfish proves to be highly skilled, being able to break through Shoto's ice and nearly hit Bakugo with one of his teeth, only to be intercepted by Shoto's ice.

"Bakugo! Don't use any type of ignition quirks like your explosion! It might ignite the poisonous gas!" Shoto warns Bakugo, afraid of causing more chaos, much to Katsuki's annoyance, Shoto was right, He would just make things worst with his quirk, He was a sitting duck.

Moonfish continues breaking through Shoto's ice defenses with his teeth enlarging Quirk while also using his teeth to maneuver himself around. Shoto analyses that retreat is not possible since they will get caught in the gas and concludes that he and Katsuki are in a bind.

Out of nowhere, a giant shadow claw was about to attack Bakugo, when Mezo appears out of nowhere and grabs Bakugo pleading for one of them to make a small source of light, just bright enough to calm dark shadow down.

Mezo explains to Bakugo and Shoto that he and Fumikage were ambushed by Moonfish; he covered for Fumikage and as a result, he lost one of his tentacles. Consequently, the ambush caused Fumikage to lose control of his Quirk that he was desperately trying to keep under control, Dark Shadow.

"But while I was distracted, I didn't notice the villain was going in your direction, hearing the your loud voice no doubt" Shoto, Bakugo and Mezo turn their attention to Fumikage; Fumikage has been restrained by Dark Shadow, who is now larger and more ferocious due to the power of darkness. The empowered and berserk Dark Shadow begins taking control of Fumikage's body. Struggling he pleaded for them to run away.

Shoto noticing that the gas was disappearing he prepared a small fire around his left arm, but Bakugo stopped him. Dark Shadow suddenly used one of its enormous claw to crush Moonfish, destroying Moonfish's teeth.

Shoto and Katsuki are surprised at what transpired. Dark Shadow throws the incapacitated Moonfish aside. With Moonfish defeated, Katsuki and Shoto manage to get close to Fumikage and use their Quirks, which calms down Dark Shadow; Dark Shadow reduces in size and retracts back into Fumikage, allowing Fumikage to return to normal.

Shoto was about to high five Bakugo when he disappeared, "BAKUGO!" Shoto shouted into the forest. He hears a laughter from above the trees and looked up to see a masked man holding a bright blue pebble.

"Target acquired"

Somewhere in the forest at the rendezvous point, Dabi with Twice and Toga have heard Mr. Compress's report.

Dabi notes that their only action now is to wait for their fellow villains. However, Dabi states that there is no gas in the air, or even tremors in the ground.

"Were the only ones left, the others are not coming, we need to go Kurogiri" Dabi turned around to see Kurogiri on the ground, with a skeleton standing over him.

The world seemed to slow down for the villains as the skeleton lit up and used its chains to wrap around Twice's throat.
In another part of the forest, Yosetsu is carrying an injured Momo with him while running away from the Vanguard Action Squad's Nomu.

The Nomu cuts several trees down with its multiple weapon arms consisting of chainsaws, drills, and hammers to get to Yosetsu; the Nomu reaches him and is about to attack Yosetsu with one of its weapon arms.

Suddenly, the Nomu's chainsaw arm stops; the Nomu retracts its weapon arms into its body and begins walking back to the Vanguard Action Squad's rendezvous point.
Momo realizes that the Nomu is being called back because the villains have captured Katsuki.

Thinking of a plan, Momo creates a button (which appears to be some sort of tracking device) and asks Yosetsu to weld the button onto the Nomu.

Yosetsu does what Momo asked and uses his Quirk to bond Momo's button onto the Nomu. As the Nomu walks away with Momo's button stuck on it, Yosetsu and Momo decide to make a run for it.

Outside the forest, Mandalay and Tiger were tending to the now awake Pixie-bob, when they see Yosetsu carrying and injured Momo.

After a brief explanation Mandalay and Tiger proceeds to run towards the villains rendezvous point.
The villains meanwhile, were having a staring contest with the rider, Twice and Mr. Compress lays of the floor, not moving an inch, with their face frozen in fear.

Izuku was about to move on Dabi, when he was blocked by a wall of wiggly green vines.

Izuku sighed, dammit, she WAS going to be a bother huh?, Izuku looked at Ibara and said softly, "let me through, I don't want to hurt someone that is close to innocence in this worthless world."

Ibara blushed at this statement but refused.
She closed her eyes and made a gesture that was of prayer, "may the lord, give them mercy demon! VINES CRUCIFIX!"

Ibara's hair elongated and attacked Izuku holding him in a crucified position.

"Well, this is quite ironic isn't it?" Izuku laughed, giving the villains to run, but they were confronted by Mandalay and Tiger, accompanied by Shoto, Mezo, and Izumi.

They saw Ibara holding the feared rider down and the what was left of the villains trying to run away.

They begun to fight leaving Ibara alone with The rider.

"Why do you side with them?" Izuku asked a praying Ibara.

"I don't side with them demon! I am trying to prevent you from committing more evil!"

Izuku laughed. "Tell me... which is more evil? He who kills evil? Or he who protects them?"

"THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME!" Ibara said out loud, this amused Izuku.

"Precisely, and what are we doing now? I am.. let's say your words... killing, them and you on the other hand..."

Ibara's eyes widened, then Izuku burned the Ivy and ran towards Ibara.

She was scared until she heard the sound of a chainsaw behind her.
She turned around and saw a red Nomu, raising its arms to slice its unsuspecting victim.

Ibara was pulled away by Izuku. The chainsaw missing her head by inches.

"Who's evil now?"

1221 words
WOO! Sorry for the late update. I know I post 2 chaps daily but meh, I was busy farming in Torum.
And also I don't know what to call this chap sooo blank title

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