30- punishment

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"Get out"

Nezu said in a deadly whisper to the crying ash blond man in front of him.

Bakugo Katsuki was on all fours, begging Nezu to give him another chance. But Nezu looked away and so did the rest of the teachers.

"P-please! I-I didn't what came over me. M-mom! You believe me right!" Bakugo looked over to the woman known an Mitsuki Bakugo.

Her face was contorted in anger and disgust. She knew her son was mean, but this came as a shock towards her and everyone who knew him.

"You fell Katsuki..." Mitsuki said through her tears.

Beside her was Izumi and Izuku. Izumi was crying and wouldn't even look at Katsuki in the eye. Izuku in the other hand, looked emotionless.

"You attempted to rape a student in MY SCHOOl! And that student is your childhood friend nonetheless!" Nezu spoke harshly, you could hear the rage quivering in his voice. He may be small but he can be scary if he wants to.

"That same student saved your ass when you got kidnapped." Aizawa was the one who spoke this time.

"That was not manly bakugo" Kirishima said to the blond.

"Izumi, do you have any words to defend your 'friend' here?" Nezu said.

Izumi didn't spare a glance towards Katsuki when she said these following words. "He's no friend of mine, and I don't want to defend a villain"

Katsuki's world shattered, he strives to become a hero, A HERO FOR FUCKS SAKE!, and this bitch says that he's a villain?

Katsuki was not gonna take that in a calm and kind manner. He rushed towards Izumi raising his hand and aimed it towards the green haired lass, ready to fire his quirk.

The teachers didn't move, they just looked at him, and so did Izumi, she knew he can't touch her.


Katsuki opened his palm and readied himself for the biggest explosion he could muster.



Katsuki tried to use his quirk once more and aimed it this time on Nezu.


He looked at Aizawa thinking that he used his quirk on him, but Aizawa wasn't even looking at him.

Nezu chuckled, which made Katsuki turn to him, with fear evident in his eyes. "Seems like we hit a snag now did we young Katsuki"

"What did you do?" Katsuki asked Nezu. Who in turn merely looked at Izuku.

"Let's just say, the devil took it"

Katsuki rushes towards Izuku without a second thought and tried to pummel him, but Izuku grabbed his arm and threw him on the ground.

"Stop this Kacchan. Your embarrassing yourself." Izuku said with a small smirk.


"Excuse me?"

"Give Me Back MY QUIRK!" Katsuki screamed and ran towards Izuku once more, raising his arm to use his now non-existent quirk.

But before he could even touch Izuku, everything went spinning for Katsuki, who immediately fell down unconscious.

"Well, that was eventful" said a man in the corner of the room.

"Yes. Quite.. thank you for stopping that pro hero ChaoticCrackhead101 " Midnight said to the bearded fellow.

"Meh, I don't like violence, plus the kid would just make thing worse for him if he goes on" and with that He left the room, Carrying Katsuki with him towards the Med bay.


Katsuki blinked.

He opened his eyes and met a white ceiling, accompanied with a bright light.

The med bay, Katsuki covered his eyes and tried to remember the following events that had happened.

He was hoping it would be a dream but— "sadly, it wasn't" a voice too familiar to Katsuki spoke beside his bed.

"Go to hell nerd"

"Already did."

Katsuki heard the sound of paper being flipped, he looked to his left and saw Izuku reading the schools newspaper, and the front cover was his name printed in bold letters, with the following words.


Fuck, Katsuki thought.

After a few moments of silence which the only sound that could be heard was the flipping of pages, Katsuki spoke.

"Give me back my quirk" he said softly.

"Hmmm no, you don't deserve it. To be frank, you deserve to be in hell right now, for almost causing a suicide before you entered UA, telling a certain someone to do a swan dive off the roof and attempted rape" Izuku said, not sparing a glance towards Katsuki, who was silently crying with his arm covering his eyes.

Izuku sighed and put the newspaper he was holding down next to katsuki.

"Remember what your mother said kacchan? You fell... but that doesn't mean you can't come back up" and with that Izuku left.

Katsuki was now alone in the ward.

He sat up finally after a few moments, wiping his eyes and grabbed the newspaper that Izumi was reading.


Izuku Midorya also known as the Ghost Rider Dave's his sister from an attempted rape by none other then a hot headed blond named Katsuki Bakugo.

The principal, Nezu, expelled the student while the Ghost Rider took the young boys quirk temporarily, stating " he has lost his way, all he needs is a little push and he will get up again, but until then, he will be quirkless"

His family and friends shook the reporters away, not stating anything, but from what the sources say, they are currently hoping that young Bakugo would come back to them and when he does, they will welcome him with open arms.

Katsuki closed his eyes and went to sleep. "I will make things right mom, I promise"

Eyo! Sorry for the late updates. My brain is currently having the worst sickness called writers block. FUCK! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway.... hi?

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