23- rescue

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Izuku watched from afar as a pro hero dressed like a pizza man and knocked on the door to the lonely shack.

Of course, Izuku was itching for some action, but he decided to just watch.

When the door opened, the heroes immediately restrained the remaining villains, Bakugo was happy to see All Might.

Izuku was disappointed when the heroes inside the shack didn't listen to the screams of the police officers as a bunch of Nomu's appeared through a portal that was once Kurogiri's quirk.

I should help.

Izuku put his finger in his mouth and whistled a short, but sharp note. His motorcycle as though alive, drove towards its owner, stopping in front of the now flaming Izuku.

Izuku couldn't help but feel on high alert.

It's just a bunch of lower tiered Nomu's yet he has a feeling that something far bigger that All for One is approaching. Fast.

The chains surrounding Izuku's arm unraveled and wrapped the Nomu's before they could even touch a hair from the police officers.

Izuku was about to burn the Nomu when it twitched and broke the chains.

This shocked Izuku, no one can break the chains. It's Impossible! Yet here it is, on the ground, laying there in pieces.

Izuku willed it to reform as he watched the twitching Nomu stop with a sudden jolt.

It looked around, as if it was scanning its surroundings, before finally looking at Izuku.

"Rider" the Nomu spoke. Izuku didn't know what to make of this so he rushed forward and punched the Nomu to send it flying in the other direction, but the Nomu withstood the attack and gave Izuku a blow to the skull.

It's strength was comparable to that of All Might in his prime. Izuku exchanged blows with it, causing a fissure on the ground while causing seismic waver to protrude from the center of the battle.

This alerted the heroes inside the shack. Gran Torino was the first one outside, and what he saw nearly made his eyes pop out.

Nomu's! And one of them is exchanging blows with the feared rider. And by the Shock waves, it's strength is the same as all night's.

Izuku grabbed the Nomu by the arm and broke it, the arm remained limp, saying that is doesn't have any regenerative abilities.

Izuku balled his fists and made the cursed flames envelope the riders whole arm.
Izuku gave the final punch through the Nomu's chest, burning it to ashes.

Thinking that he defeated the Nomu, he looked around to see, the other Nomu's twitch and fall to the ground, shaking violently and emitting a screech.

"Midorya" a familiar voice spoke inside Izuku's head.

"Lucifer? What's going on here!?" Midorya asked in a frantic voice.

"Listen I don't have much time, the souls of the damned that I took 'special' care, on, they escaped and will inhabit an empty shell and those shells are the Nomu's if they inhabit one they will gain immense strength, as a rider I need you to destroy every last one!" Lucifer told Izuku before his voice faded away.

"Lucifer? LUCIFER!!!" But Lucifer wouldn't answer anymore.

Izuku took a fighting stance and shouted to everyone who could hear.


Everyone who heard hesitated and wouldn't touch the Nomu's but Endeavor started to burn the ones he could reach.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? YOU HEAR THE KID BURN DESTROY THEM ALL!" Endeavor shouted in rage to the people who just watched.

Scared, they started to do as they were told, but a scream suddenly echoed in the far left side of the battle field.

A Nomu was killing left and right, and it wasn't stopping, the bullets couldn't penetrate its skin, and damage type quirks barely even damage it.

And the problem was, more Nomu's were turning into the damned's shell, Izuku destroyed the ones that were still twitching and writhing on the ground, so that leaves 6 Nomu's that have been possessed.

Izuku readied up for a big fight when he hear an explosion miles away from where he was standing.

What the hell?!

End chap Vic boss

Izuku x Ghost riderWhere stories live. Discover now