25- Ibara's heart

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A Nomu sent a birrage of attacks towards Ibara, Tsuyu used her tongue to pull Ibara away, she was light thanks to Urarakas quirk.

Kaminari Used his support gear and shot The disks fired by the Shooter (called Pointers).
It will stick to the point of impact, as long as Kaminari is within ten meters of the target, his electric discharges will be drawn to the Pointer of his choice, concentrating the discharge into a straight line.

But Kaminari's attack only paralyzed the Nomu for half a second before sending a punch towards Kaminari's stomach causing him to be on all fours gasping for air. 

"Warp Refraction!" 

A bright light issued from Toru, an invisible girl that goes undetected by the Nomu, so she used this chance to grab Kaminari, and ran while Aoyama used his Navel Laser, piercing the Nomu straight through the chest. 

Aoyama puked, as he saw the blood and guts spew out of the now dead Nomu. 
Ochaco reassured Aoyama that he did the right thing and saved all of them, although this barely made Aoyama feel good about himself.

"Wait...I hear something" Jiro said as she was plunging her earphone jack into the ground. 
Her eyes widened when she saw another Nomu in the distance running towards them at high speeds.


Sero used his tapes to grab the civilians and Kirishima, who was still unconscious. Ochaco used her quirk to make things easier for Sero to carry everyone to safety. 

Ojiro meanwhile broke everything that might obstruct or slow Sero down.

Tokoyami wasn't much of help, he was busy controlling dark shadow from his emotions. But he tried his best to run with civilians on his back. 

Ibara couldn't move because if she does the building on top of her might collapse and injure class 1-A and the civilians. Mineta tried his best to use his balls, (fucks sake), to lessen Ibaras burden, Tsuyu meanwhile was holding Ibara up, trying to stop the bleeding from her forehead. 

The Nomu arrived with a bang, that nearly made the rubble fall on Ibara and the others. 
"Prey."  A small gurgled voice issued from the Nomu making everyone panic and run as fast as they can. 

"Ibara lets go!" Tsuyu pleaded to the poor girl, but she just shook her head, "if i do, then we would all die. Go on without me, the lord will protect me." Ibara replied calmly to the shaking Tsuyu, Mineta grabbed Tsuyu and told her to run.

"We cant leave her!"(...ribbit...sorry couldn't resist) 

Tsuyu tried to go to Ibara but vines wrapped both Mineta's and Tsuyu's waist holding them together, Mineta ran with Tsuyu behind him, (Yes he was struggling).

"W--e c-can't lose the chance s-s-she gave us" Mineta grunted with exhaustion. 
Tsuyu cried, praying to whoever was listening to her, to at least send an angel to protect Ibara.

And on cue (sorry got lazy) a flaming chain grabbed the Nomu, throwing it away into the pavement. Izuku appeared, his coat ripped from all sides, and his skull showing signs of minor damage. 

"Don't run from me asshole, you made a dent on my head" Izuku said pointing at his skull. "Remind me that i should drink milk more often" Izuku charged at the Nomu, pinning him to the ground, sending a barrage of flaming hot punches in the Nomu's face, the Nomu tried to retaliate but failed miserably, as Izuku became much faster.

So fast in fact, that his punches became a blur, causing the Nomu to explode into a fiery debree. 
Izuku got up and faced the bruised Ibara, he saw her arms were purple and broken, while her head was bleeding. 

Izuku turned Human, walked towards Ibara, "It's ok. You want to know why?" Izuku used his chains to pull the rubble away on top of Ibara, making her retract her vines, as she fell into the open arms of Izuku. "because i am here" 


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