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When I regained the first memory, the itching began.  Not physically, but in my mind.  The itch to find out more, to regain more memories.  My head ached at night as I tried to sleep in the stables.  It was like I needed a fix....but the more memories I gained, the more I wanted.  

When I remembered her, that was it.  That voice that had spoken to me when I awoke in the shrine of resurrection had a face and a name.  Zelda.  

And I loved her.  I remembered loving her.  Protecting her....and almost dying for her.  With the memories restored, the itch became unbearable as I realized the consequences of my failure, and my persistent weakness that kept me from saving that same princess trapped in the deeps of Hyrule castle.  

 That itch drove me to the divine beasts.  I tore through each of Ganon's creatures like a wild animal.  I was enraged, and frustrated, and desperate to free the princess of her cruel prison.  I was nothing like the knight Zelda had known before.  Perhaps I was once refined in fighting, and professional in royal guard or knight attire, but now I was constantly spotted with blood.  I had become wild.  I wasn't ashamed, but I was saddened, and lonely.  With each regained memory, I gained back part of my life, but I was also reminded of what I'd lost.  

I wept at the gifts given to me by the champion spirits.  I felt I did not deserve them.  I failed to save them.  But with them, I know I could not fail Zelda now.  


This was it.  

Each breath of air that came from my lungs was hot with fury.  I was a dragon.  And I was ready to take back Hyrule.  I gazed at the castle, watching the black clouds of malice swirl around its towers.  Ganon marked his territory with cruel poisons.  

I sprinted towards the front entrance, parrying away the blue beams from the guardians that swarmed the place as if it was their nest.  I stayed close to the walls, listening for the sounds of the sheikah relics before darting to the next point of safety.  My lungs burned, but the adrenaline in my body pressed me forward to hide behind a column.  

And then, a faint voice.  


"I'm coming, Princess," I whispered.  "I won't fail again."


I was rolling across the floor.  My side was burning from the blast of the creature's canon.  Stars were swimming before my eyes.  I glanced up to see Ganon, rearing back to hurl his massive spear into me.  

Get up, get up!  I screamed at myself.  My arms trembled, but I managed to push myself forward as the spear sliced through the air toward me.  Pain exploded in my shoulder as the blade sliced through my tunic and skin.  I moaned in pain, gritting my teeth as the smell of my own blood filled my nostrils.  I felt myself on the verge of unconsciousness.

"Mipha!" I cried.

The pain melted away as Mipha's grace healed my wounds.  I felt the strength return to my body.  My senses restored, including the feeling of urgency and desperation to finish the fight.  Above all else though, I felt hope.  


The bow of light felt like an extension of my body.  Despite the gargantuan size of the dark beast before me, I knew the battle was complete as I fired into the single eye of Ganon.  

The creature roared in defeat, and I found myself crumpling to the ground, lacking the stamina to pull out my paraglider.  I looked up to see the huge boar writhing as a golden beam of light erupted from its head.   My heart jumped into my throat as the light dimmed to reveal the Princess of Hyrule, finally free.  

She lowered herself to the ground, still bathed in beautiful, brilliant golden light.  Ganon crashed to the ground before her, as if submitting itself.  Zelda raides her hand, and the gold symbol of the triforce appeared on the back of her hand as she summoned her divine powers.  

Suddenly, the boar transformed into the smoky basilisk through which it took over the castle and began twisting through the air.  It gaped its mouth open in an infuriated roar, and began to charge at the princess.  

I scrambled to my feet, pulling out the glowing sword to defend her once more, yet Zelda's sealing power shook the earth beneath us as she flooded the beast in light.  I shut my eyes and stopped in my tracks, waiting for the blinding power to fade.  In moments, mere moments, there was nothing but blissful silence.  

I opened my eyes to see Zelda, serene and at peace.  She turned to me, and blessed me with the sight of her sweet, beautiful smile.  

"Link," she breathed.  

Despite having faced the hoards of monsters Ganon had conjured, and conquering the divine beasts, I could not keep my legs from turning to jelly.  I dropped to one knee, kneeling before the princess before me, and leaned onto my sword pointing into the ground.  

"My princess," I sighed in relief.  I wept with joy and shame at the same time.  My shoulders trembled as she approached me.  

Her soft hands were suddenly cupping my face, lifting it for me to look up at her.  Her sea green eyes were merciful.  I leaned into her palm, gently bringing up my own hand to meet hers.  My heart slammed against my ribs.  

"Link, my brave knight," she whispered.  "You will never kneel to anyone ever again."

Spirit of the Wild (Breath of the Wild Link x Zelda)Where stories live. Discover now