Taken Care Of

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I slept soundly through the night, only waking up to the feeling of weight beside me.  I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the morning light coming through the window, to see the princess sitting beside me.  She'd finally bathed the blood off of her from the day before, and now wore an outfit just like the Kakariko villagers, a dark blue tunic with a white robe over.  She was setting a tray of cups with a steaming teapot on the nightstand. 

"Good morning, Link," she said with a gentle smile. 

"Good morning, my princess," I replied contently, rubbing my eyes.  I sat up groggily, shaking my head to wake me up more.  "Are you rested?"

"Yes," she assured me.  "And you?"

"I think so," I yawned.  "You're up early.  I seem to remember that you were quite difficult to get out of bed."

She laughed softly, then reached for the teapot at my side.  She poured the steaming liquid into the cups, and handed one to me. 

"I thought this may help revitalize you," she said.  "It's made from swift violet.  It's actually quite sweet on its own."

I took the warm cup into my hands, blowing on the tea before taking a sip.  It was soothing to my dry throat, and tasted a bit like honey. 

"This is nice, princess," I said, raising the cup. 

"I'm glad it came out right," she said with a grin.  She set her own cup down on the nightstand.  She was blushing like a rose, and nervously began twirling a strand of her hair.  "So...Link.  About last night..."


She bit her lip, but couldn't contain her smile.  "I am...still in awe of how perfect things are.  I hope you feel as happy as I do now."

I bowed my head, closing my eyes.  "I am, my princess.  I'm more at peace than I ever was." 

"Link," she said.  "Did you know that one hundred years ago, you nearly always addressed me as Princess?  Or Princess Zelda?  And now I have just noticed, you have been saying 'my princess' since we were reunited."

"Ah...yes," I said sheepishly.  "Well, after missing you for so long, that's how I've come to think about you.  It's my duty to protect you and take care of you.  And I suppose that, maybe excluding Impa or Purah, I know you best.  So...you're my princess."

"That's so sweet," she said.  She slowly blinked her big green eyes, and hesitantly moved closer to me.  The closeness was still new to both of us, so she was unsure of herself.  But I opened my arms for her, and she hugged me tight.  I sighed in contentment as I ran my fingers through her soft, golden hair.  I'd held her before, but in a moment of despair.  Now, I could enjoy being with her, without worry. 

My heart fluttered in my chest as she brought her face close to mine.  Her lips tasted of the sweet tea she had been sipping as she kissed me.  When she was finished, she glanced away from me shyly, but was smiling. 

"Sorry," she whispered.  "I'm just not used to...finally acting on my feelings."

"I understand," I said.  "It's strange, isn't it?" 

"Yes," she admitted.  She took another sip from her tea, but stayed close to me.  She began to play with my hair, hesitantly at first, but slowly gained confidence.  Her eyes were glittering. 

"I've never seen you with your hair down," she said with a grin.  "It's like a lion's mane."

"It could probably use a cut," I admitted, holding a strand of it up.  "It's been a hundred years." 

Spirit of the Wild (Breath of the Wild Link x Zelda)Where stories live. Discover now