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"The tech lab?" Zelda said behind me as we rode on the back of Frost.  "It looks almost exactly the same."

I slowed the mare down to a halt in front of the building, and held out my hand for the princess to get down.  "That's because it hasn't changed ownership."

She stared at me in disbelief, but followed me as I motioned to her.  I backed towards the door, facing Zelda, and held out my hand to pause her.  She tilted her head quizzically.  

"Let me go in first," I said.  "I want this to be a surprise for both of you."

She smiled and nodded.  I couldn't help but return it as I opened the door.  

Purah was standing on her chair, flipping through a stack of books.  

"No...that's not it," she said.  She tossed a large book over her shoulder.  In the corner, Symin flinched as it hit the bookshelf.  

I shook off my hood and approached her.  "Purah."

She gasped and dropped her book, then threw her hands up in excitement.  "Linky!" she exclaimed, jumping down from the chair.  "I haven't seen you in a while.  What's up?"

I lifted one of my brows.  "Haven't you heard?"

Her eyes widened, and she got a confused look on her face.  "No...what?  I haven't left the lab in days."  She tilted her head, squinting at me suspiciously.  "You look...happy..."  She gasped, putting her palms on her cheeks.  "And you're talking!  What's going on here?!"

I backed towards the door, reaching for the handle.  "There's someone who wants to see you."  With a groan from the hinges, I swung the door open, filling the room with the morning light. 

Purah's eyes slowly widened in realization as she took in the sight of the young woman before her.  Her mouth opened in disbelief.  

"P..." she began, taking a step forward.  "Princess?"

Zelda looked at me, wearing a worried expression, as if she was unsure of what to think.  She didn't seem to recognize Purah.  

"You look a lot different than when the princess last saw you," I murmured down to Purah. 

Purah grinned.  I could see her starting to tear up, but she lifted her glasses and put them on top of her head.  

"Maybe this will help!" she declared.  "Check it!"  

She struck a pose, lifting her hand to her face, with her middle and ring fingers down and her other fingers pointed out on either side of her eye.  

The princess gasped, looking at me for confirmation, then back down at the Sheikah.

"Purah?" she whispered.  

Purah ran to the princess, practically jumping into her arms as Zelda knelt down.  I could see Zelda furrowing her brows tightly, and tears leaked through her eyes.  

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Purah said through the princess's shoulder.  "It's been the most painful century without you here."

Zelda laughed through her tears, letting go of the scientists.  Her sea-green eyes swelled with affection and joy.  

"Purah, were you experimenting on yourself again?" she grinned.  "You're the size of a Korok."

"Guilty as charged," Purah said, putting her hands on her hips.  "But I like the look."  She patted her hair dramatically.  


We spent all day in the tech lab with Purah and Symin.  It was so wonderful to see Zelda happy with an old friend.  I could feel her heart dancing the entire time as Purah excitedly showed the princess all of her new research.  There were already plans being made to visit Impa and Robbie, to help spread the news of the Princess's return.  

We were there until almost three in the morning.  As much fun as I was having, I found myself falling asleep against the door of the lab while Purah was giving stacks upon stacks of books for Zelda to read for pleasure.  I pulled my hood over my eyes, watching the princess's dazzling smile as I drifted off.


When I awoke again, Zelda was sitting at the table, sleeping on top of a book.  Purah was resuming her work, as busy as ever.  I don't think she ever slept.  

I stretched my legs and stood, wincing at the pain in my tailbone from sleeping against the door.  Purah glanced at me and smiled.  

"You'd better take her home," she said, pushing up her glasses.  "She's got a hundred years of sleep to catch up on."  

I nodded, yawning.  I put my hand on Zelda's shoulder, shaking her gently.  She didn't stir, so I knelt down and scooped her knees together, and lifted her into my arms.  

Purah looked at the princess, then to me.  Her eyes were full with gratitude.  

"Thank you," she said solemnly.  "For saving her.  You have no idea how hard it was to wake each day and see that castle knowing she was trapped inside."  

I was going to just nod, but I pushed myself to speak more.  "You're welcome," I murmured.  

She squinted at me.  "How much memory have you recovered?"

"More each day," I said, looking down at Zelda.  "I can't remember a lot of my childhood.  But a lot has come back since I turned about thirteen."

"I saw the way you looked at her tonight," she said.  "And...I was always curious about how passionately you used to protect her.  I always felt like it was more than duty for you.  Did...did you love her?  Do you remember?"

I swallowed, staring into Purah's eyes.  I was wondering if she would back down, but she put her hands on her hips, never blinking.  

I was the one to finally break the awkward silence.  I thought perhaps it would help take the weight off my shoulders, if someone else knew. 

I spoke barely above a whisper.  "Yes.  I still do."

Spirit of the Wild (Breath of the Wild Link x Zelda)Where stories live. Discover now