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I rode through the village with my hood up and approached the clothing shop.  When I dismounted Frost, I noticed that many of the townsfolk were out and about.  Children were running around and playing, and adults were in groups gossiping and laughing.  The place seemed more...lively.  

I entered the clothing shop with my rupees in hand.  I had sold all of the gemstones I found on Death Mountain earlier, in the hopes I'd be able to take care of the Princess financially.  I had plenty to my name, so I was relieved I could buy her good food.  I'd gotten too used to eating wild game and fish.  She deserved better ingredients--flour, sugar, fresh milk and butter.  I wanted her to have the best in life, from now on.  

Despite the early hour, the strange shop keeper, Sophie, was in the corner of the room.  She looked up at me as I opened the door.  

"Are you looking for something in particular?" she asked nervously.  

I nodded.  "I need some women's clothing.  Please."

She pointed to a chest, to the left of a set of knight's armor on display.  I felt her side-eyeing me as I walked over to it.  I knelt down and opened the chest, finding an array of bright tunics and trousers.  A few pairs of boots were in it as well.  Suddenly, my mind raced.  Would the Princess like these?  I didn't know what colors she would want.  I didn't know a thing about style, either.  

I turned to the shopkeeper.  "Can I buy the whole chest?"

Sophie's brows furrowed, and she nodded slowly.  "Sure.  Take it all for 800 rupees."  

I handed her a sack of the gems, and nodded curtly at her before taking the chest with me.  It wasn't too heavy at all.  

Next, I went to the general store to buy some ingredients.  I thought maybe it would be nice to make some fresh bread.  I was again by myself in the store, minus the shopkeeper.

"Mornin'," the shopkeeper said with a yawn.  "You're the first of the day.  Take your pick."

I nodded and began picking through his stock.  I took a few bunches of wheat, some eggs, and a bottle of milk.  I also grabbed a basket of various mushrooms, and put all of them on table in front of the shopkeeper for him to ring up.  He began counting and placing them into a cloth bag.

"Did you hear the news?" he said after a few moments.


"About the Princess.  She's in the village."

My blood ran cold, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.  "Where did you hear that?"  I tried to sound calm in demeanor, but I ended up sounding more demanding.  

"The contractor, Bolson.  He said one of his tenants is housing her.  The castle has been freed."

I swallowed, and felt the prickle of sweat emerging through the pores of my forehead.  I tugged at the collar of my tunic.  

"The whole town is buzzing about it," the shopkeeper continued.  

I nodded.  I was getting anxious, quickly.  If the whole village knew, they could be out looking for her.  What if Bolson told them exactly where my home was?  I wasn't there to protect her.  I didn't think she had enemies in the village, but still...

"That'll be 112 rupees, please," the shopkeeper said.  

I threw down three purple rupees and took the bag of food.  "Keep the change," I instructed him, and turned to leave.  I ran down the stairs of the shop, and I felt one of the stitches in my knee tear, but I kept running.  I whistled for Frost, who galloped towards me.  As I slowed to jump on her back, I could hear the gossip between the groups of the townsfolk.

"Princess Zelda....the Princess is here?"

"One of Bolson's properties..."

"The tenant.  Link, I think his name was..."

"HYAH!"  I shouted to the white horse.  Her hooves clipped the ground as she began running out of the village.  It was only a few minutes to my home, but I grew more anxious by the second to have Zelda back in my sight.  

I passed more and more people out in the village, constantly looking around to see if there was any sign of the Princess.  I felt eyes all over me, and I was thankful I had removed the royal saddle and reins from Frost earlier.  I held onto my hood, keeping it over my head.  

When I arrived at home, everything appeared normal.  I flung myself off of Frost, bolting through the door.  

"Zelda?" I called.  Not hearing a reply, I climbed the stairs, only to see an empty bed.  The sheets were wrinkled and thrown onto the floor.  The sheikah slate and scimitar remained untouched on the nightstand.  

Did I run right past her?  I looked down onto the first level.  She wasn't at the table.  

Sweat ran down the back of my neck.  I jumped down the stairs, throwing the door back open.  My eyes darted back and forth rapidly, looking for any sign of the Princess.  When I didn't see her, I felt panic breaking in my body.  

"Zelda!" I cried.  I stumbled into the side yard between the house and the fence, knocking over Bolson's double axe.  "Zelda!"  

She wasn't in the back of the house, or in the pond.  My breaths became ragged and panicked as I returned to the front of the building.  I was gasping for air through the anxious sobs that were forming.  

"Zelda, where are you?!"  I moaned, clutching the sides of my head.  Did someone take her?  Is she hurt?  What if there was a Yiga member disguised in the village that took her?  What if she was scared and alone and it was all my fault?  I was such an idiot for leaving her!  How could I have been so damn stupid--


I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I whipped around to see Zelda, her green eyes wide with concern.  I gasped and swallowed in shock and relief.  

"You scared the living hell out of me!" I practically shouted, pulling her into my arms.  My hands were shaking through the strands of her hair.  "I-I thought I'd lost you!"

"I woke up and you weren't here," she murmured.  "I...I thought you went into town..."

I let go of her, wiping my face with my sleeves.  "I w-was.  There are villagers that know you're here...I...I thought one of them might've hurt you..."  

Her mouth opened in realization.  She shook her head.  "No, I'm alright.  I saw some apple trees out the window."

I looked at the ground and saw a dozen or so red apples on the ground that she dropped.  

"I haven't eaten in a hundred years," she said sheepishly.  

"I'm sorry, my Princess," I sighed.  Tears were rolling down my cheeks.  "I just panicked.  I shouldn't have left you."  

"I suspect it was for a good reason," she said with a soft smile.  She cupped my face, brushing my tears away with her thumb.  "Perhaps a decent breakfast?"  

I nodded, looking down at the spilled apples.  "I got you some clean clothes as well."  

"Thank you, Link."  Her grin grew wider, and she closed her eyes blissfully as a cool, gentle breeze passed over us.  "I heard the sound of birds for the first time in a hundred years."  Her eyes opened.  "And drank the sweetest water I could've imagined.  It is so good to be here, with you now."

My heart sighed, and I was able to return her smile.  She took her hand from my face, and turned to approach Frost, still bearing the chest of clothing.  The bag with the ingredients had dropped in my panic.  She picked it up and looked inside, then glanced at me with a giggle on her lips.

"I think the eggs are broken," she said.  

Spirit of the Wild (Breath of the Wild Link x Zelda)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin