I, the Fool

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Dawn awoke me as usual, around five in the morning.  My body was completely and utterly stiff as as a corpse.  The fight with Ganon had left me aching.  

With the faint sunlight that entered the room, I could see the cut on the side of my knee.  It felt deep, but was clotted and crusted with dried blood.  I probably needed to stitch it closed to prevent an infection.  

I glanced up at the bed as I stretched my sore body.  The Princess had turned in her sleep, and was facing me.  She looked as if she was receiving a restful, deep sleep.  My heart sighed with relief.  

I decided to get up and prepare myself for when she awoke.  I first went down the stairs quietly, and opened the door carefully to avoid any creaking sounds that would wake her.  I took a change of clothes out of my chest against the wall--the simple red Hylian tunic, hood, and trousers.  As I stepped outside, I noticed that Karson and Bolson were gone, and the fire below the cooking pot had long died out.  

Approaching the clear pond near my home, I took off my torn clothes.  The royal blue knight's tunic was in tatters, and soaked with my own blood.  I gritted my teeth as I entered the water, chill in the morning light.  I gasped as the water flowed over my injuries.  I quickly submerged myself in the cold, running my fingers through my grimy, sweaty hair.  I saw the dried blood lift away and swirl through the water, but I knew the lush cattails and lily pads would soon purify the pond again.  

I scrubbed away the rest of the dirt and blood with some homemade soap I had purchased in Kakariko village--a simple concoction of rendered goat fat and plant ash.  It was scented with some of the various dried herbs of Hyrule.  I hoped that the Princess would like it.  I was told by the shop keeper it was high quality, and I paid a lot of rupees for it.  

Once I was clean, I examined my cut more carefully.  Now that it had its crusted blood washed away, I could see that it was still oozing.  I cursed mentally to myself; I had to stitch it.  I hated stitches more than anything.  

I sat on a tree stump behind the house, biting my fist as I slid the curved needle into my skin.  My teeth gritted as I felt the pulling sensation of the thread.  It would only take four or five turns, but I hated every second of it.  The wound looked clean, however, so I wasn't as worried about getting an infection.  Once it was over, I dressed it tightly with a bandage.  I needed to be careful when walking to keep the stitching from tearing. 

I went back inside, now in clean clothes.  I ascended the stairs slowly, taking care to keep my knee as still as I could.  Zelda was still fast asleep.  

My ears suddenly perked at the sound of my own stomach growling.  I honestly couldn't remember the last meal I'd had.  I should have savored it more.  And it had been a hundred years since Zelda had one.  

I shifted uncomfortably next to Zelda's sleeping form, debating on what to do.  I needed to go into town to get supplies and some clean clothes for her.  But I was anxious about leaving her.  I was still responsible for protecting her.  

I took the Sheikah slate from my belt and placed it next to the nightstand, as well as Urbosa's scimitar.  If anyone broke in--which I doubted they would--she would have the tools she needed to protect herself.  And if she could fend off Ganon for a hundred years....

I knelt at Zelda's side and spoke softly.  

"Princess," I began, "I'm....going into the village to buy a few things.  I won't be gone long."

She stirred slightly, but did not wake.  I didn't really expect her to fully hear me or wake up.  Perhaps the words were just for my own comfort.  I couldn't help but watch her for a few moments.  She looked so lovely as she slept.  Impulsively, I reached out and stroked a few strands of her gold hair, along her face.  

She suddenly stirred more at the touch, and I snatched my hand back, my heart pounding in my chest.  I swallowed back a feeling of horror.  What had I done?  I shouldn't be touching her like that, without her knowledge.  I was still her knight.

I stood up, my face reddening as I descended the stairs.  I cursed myself for being so foolish.  What if she'd woken up to see me staring at her?  

I knew my feelings for her.  The longing to have her safe in my care again...but I wasn't the man I used to be.  Could she possibly love me?  Did she...love me before?

I shook my head.  It was a matter for another time.  

I locked the door behind me, glancing towards the main village in the distance.  I turned around and approached the stable, motioning for Frost to come forward.  The mare appeared well-rested.  I mounted her, and began my journey towards Hateno.  

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