Courage and Cowardice

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I awoke to a cool, moist feeling on my forehead.  It helped to numb the pain of a splitting headache.  I turned my neck, flinching at a burning sensation at the movement, and let out a low groan. 

I slowly opened my eyes, expecting to see the princess at my side.  Instead, I was staring at a red Sheikah eye. 

"P-Paya?" I croaked.

"Master Link!" Paya gasped, withdrawing the cool cloth from my head.  "I'm sorry, I...let me get the princess for you!"

She scampered for the room before I could say another word.  Gaining more awareness, I managed to move my muscles, feeling the stiffness of my body.  My hand was shaking as I brought it to the side of my neck.  Thick bandages were wrapped around it, tight against me, but not choking me.  I had stopped bleeding.  I felt cold, despite being covered in blankets and a fire crackling in a fireplace across my bed.  My stomach churned a little at the realization that somebody undressed me.  I hoped it wasn't the princess. 

The door creaked open.  I felt my body melt with relief as Zelda stepped through.  She looked exhausted with worry, and I was surprised to see that she was still in her stealth suit, now torn and drenched in blood. 

"Link," she sighed, holding both her hands to her mouth.  Her eyes welled with tears of relief.  "I'm so glad you're awake."

"I'm so sorry, my princess," I rasped.  "I...wish I hadn't scared you so much."

"Here," she said.  She walked to the nightstand by my bed and poured a glass of water from a pitcher.  "You should drink."

I sat up, making my head dizzy for a moment.  I carefully took the glass, but my hands trembled slightly.  The princess noticed and helped me steady it as I tipped it to my lips.  The cool water washed over my dry mouth and down my throat.  It was an immense relief. 

"Thank you," I said. 

She nodded.  While she was quiet, she was still crying.  Thin tears ran down her cheeks as I lay back down.  It made my heart hurt.  I wanted nothing more than to hold her close to me and reassure her. 

"What happened?"  I whispered. 

She wiped her nose, sniffing back more tears.  She pulled a wooden chair from the nightstand and sat at my bedside. 

"I used the frost blade to freeze the wound shut, like you said," she murmured.  "I think it may have burned you a little.  I...I couldn't get you to wake up again, so I teleported us to the village and got help.  Paya and Impa mended you properly." 

"Thank you for helping me," I said. 

"No, Link, please don't thank me," she said, shaking her head.  "You're the one who was injured defending me.  Again."   She closed her eyes, and a fresh wave of tears rolled down her cheeks.  "I can't help but despair at seeing you in such pain again, for my sake.  I...shudder at the thought I was so close to losing you again."  Her brows furrowed, reflective of her emotional pain.  "I wish my powers had not subsided, or I would have blown up the forest at the first sign of the Yiga.  I am helpless again, at your expense." 

My heart ached at her sorrow.  Despite my anxieties, I decided to be direct in comforting her.  Perhaps now was the right time to act on Impa's advice, in part. 

"My princess," I whispered.  "Do not fret about what happened.  In the end, I will always lay down my life for you.  It's my duty, and part of my identity.  And you spent one hundred years protecting the entire kingdom with your godly powers.  You surely deserve protection now." 

She hung her head, silent.  Her tears quietly pattered against the wooden flooring.  I noticed that her hair was matted with my blood.  She must've been so worried about me that she completely forgot herself.  How could she feel so guilty over me, when she'd been the one watching over me all this time when I wasn't there for her? 

Spirit of the Wild (Breath of the Wild Link x Zelda)Where stories live. Discover now