A Story for the Sheikah

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"I never thanked you," Zelda said. "For taking me to see Purah yesterday." She was riding Frost, who calmly walked on the road alongside my horse and I.

I smiled warmly at her. "You're welcome, my princess. Anything to help you feel more at home in this new world."

We were making our way to Kakariko village. While it was easy enough to teleport, the princess wanted to ride, to see more of how things had changed across the land, and to spend time clearing her mind. We had been riding for about a day, and we were nearly there.

So many nights sitting alone next to a fire made it a relieving yet odd experience to have the princess with me during the night. She was also so well-versed in the natural flora of Hyrule that she found several herbs that made my cooking taste a lot better. The visit with Purah seemed to revitalize her spirits. She again was driven by a desire for knowledge, and we spent the hours before bed flipping through pages upon pages of botany illustrations, and pressing flowers to start a personal collection. She was so full of life and joy as she could freely pursue her deepest desires.


The village was calm and quiet when we arrived, but in a welcoming and peaceful way. The farmers waved kindly as our horses passed through the roads, but didn't recognize me or the princess. Frost wore a modest saddle, and her rider was in no way dressed in a royal garb--just another simple Hylian tunic, dyed deep blue, and the scarf from my Sheikah stealth suit.

The lamps hanging from Impa's home were swaying gently in the breeze. This was an interaction I was rather nervous for; Impa had a talent of reading me like an open book. I hoped she would focus on welcoming the princess, and not lecture me about my feelings for Zelda, which she would inevitably sense.

I helped the princess down from her horse, and she took my arm as we ascended the long staircase up to the front doors. The way we were walking together, I felt like a man about to present his fiancée to his parents. The thought made me blush, and I tugged at my collar before pushing open the door.

As usual, Paya was in the room, sweeping the floor. When she saw me she jumped up and immediately became flustered. Her face became red.

"M-master Link!" she stammered. "W-welcome!" Her eyes flitted to the princess. "Oh...who is your guest?"

Impa had her head down, but slowly raised it. She opened her eyes and slowly smiled with satisfaction as she took in the princess before her. It was as if she had been waiting for the moment all day.

"Princess," she croaked. "You're finally here."

"Impa," Zelda whispered, letting go of my arm and rushing to her old friend. They embraced, tightly and tenderly. While Purah had been able to extend her youth, Impa was a clear, shocking reminder of the time Zelda had spent in Ganon's clutches.

While they exchanged more greetings and tears, Paya came to my side, nervously. Her hands were kneaded together, and she looked at the ground as she spoke.

"That's really the princess?" she whispered. "Zelda?"

I nodded at her, shifting my weight awkwardly. I knew Paya was smitten by me, and I never knew how to react appropriately.

"Do you remember her?" she asked.

I nodded again. At that point, Zelda was motioning for me to join her side in front of Impa. I smiled curtly at Paya, who quickly bowed to me.

I stood beside the princess, and bowed before the elder Sheikah to show my respect. Impa's smile was like that of a proud mother.

"My dear friends," she said. "It is so good to have both of you here together again." She turned to me, taking my calloused hands in her aged ones. "Link. Thank you for fulfilling your duty. I know that the task was great, and I commend you for your bravery and dedication. Both you and the princess have struggled for a century in this. To know the work is finished is a truly sweet moment."

Spirit of the Wild (Breath of the Wild Link x Zelda)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant