Entry # 39

86 0 0

May 2011

Dear Diary,

         Omarion's first mixtape, "The Awakening" came out a few weeks ago on the 11th. I felt like an idiot because I was new to the mixtape thing. I thought that mixtapes were released in the stores like albums were. I would find that it was an internet thing.  A friend of mine who is an Omarion fan gave me the names of a few songs. I went to listen to them on YouTube. I love "Beg" that features a singer by the name of M$ney. When I first heard her voice on the song I couldn't help but to ask myself who this hoe was singing with O. I still have yet to hear the whole mixtape yet. What type of fan am I? This makes me realize that my hobby of professional wrestling was getting in the way of  me supporting Omarion's career. I didn't feel guilty about it either like I usually would. He was gone so much. I needed something to fill the void when he was away. Wrestling was doing that since 2008. I go to a show every chance I get.

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