Entry # 42

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January 2013

Dear Diary,

         I had my favorite poster of Omarion over my bed (poster in Multimedia). I was also dream about him nightly. I have been writing poems about him a lot. They were the truth because they talked about my pain of him having my heart and how hurt I am that I would never have him.  It's what I am used to, love not being returned. I often thought to myself that if I was tall, I will be his type. I have everything else but that. I have the light skin and long hair. The hair is mine too. I'm a Scorpio like him.  I'm only four feet and eleven inches, leaving me out of the running.
I want to stop loving a man I can't have. All I want is to love and be loved.
       My intuition is telling me that he's in a relationship with someone. That's another reason why I don't want to being in love with him anymore. I just can't shake him. I took my poster down a few days ago.  I don't think I will care about if he's with anyone. I can't have him and he doesn't want me. I will like to know though. I always read things about him being gay or bisexual. I never played it any mind. I loved him the same no matter what I read. He can still get it. On my birthday, I played truth or dare with my sister and friends. I happened to get hit with the open question and I was asked what celebrity will I get down and dirty with. Of course my answer was Omarion. I love him and accept all that he is. There will always be that love I felt for him when I was 14, whether I wanted it to be there or not. Nothing in this world can change that.

Dear Diary: Shattered Dreams An Omarion StoryWhere stories live. Discover now