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Voice over: After last night he wakes up at his house, not remembering how he got there. Trying to to remember gave him severed head ache, his clothes were wet and a little toren up. Then he gets up from his bed.....

JACK: ahhh... what the heck happened !,
Why is my dress all wet and toren
Up like this....

(slowly gets up from his bed )

JACK'S MAID : master jack have you
Woken up,if not then i
Would have to wake you


Voice Over: while his maid called him He was looking at himself And trying to remember What happened, while that He noticed something in the mirror.Getting close his Reflection started to smile With red glowing eyes.......

JACK: (looks at the mirror )

: What the heck is that did my
Reflection just move.

(Goes near the mirror)

(Say's to himself) *shocked*

: What the f**k !!
Reflection it just....moved.

(He shouts and falls down)

Voice over: the maid after listing to
His shouting, runs to his aid.

Maid: master jack are you okay,why are
you shouting?
(Looks at him, him on the floor with toren clothes)

Master what are you doing like this

Jack: Rem , what are you doing and why
Are you covering your eyes...
(Asked not knowingly)

Voice over: ok , so i forgot to tell you that jack is from a very rich family he has his personal maid (her name is Rem she is the same age as him *18*) .and from his childhood he has been ignored by his parents, because they are either busy at work or are always fighting with eachother and the maid REM is the only company of his....

Rem: master your clothes they are
toren and I can see your...
(Says embarrassingly)

Jack:okay...okay stop that ..
(Jack turns around embarrassed as hell)

Rem can you get me a pair of other

Rem: yes master! a second..
(Goes to get new set of clothes for him)

(Meanwhile jack)

Jack: (at the peak of embarrassment)
Ah...what heck was that now
What a bad way for a day to
Start..(punches his pillow and
Throws it).
Rem : master jack I am back
(Then gives him the clothes)
Master get changed i will be
Waiting outside.

Jack: ok rem ..
(Starts changing he noticed that his physical appearance has changed a little he has gained muscles and got abs)

This is not that bad for a day to start

( Meanwhile rem outside)
Rem: has changed in appearance, he look
More handsome and when did he
Get abs.
(And starts blushing with hands on her face)

Voice over: while she was blushing
,jack comes out.. (imagine this moment okey)

Jack :(comes out saw her blushing weirdly). WTF...

Rem:(looks at him shocked) ehhh......
WTF...! Lets go down stairs (again embarrassed dead inside)

Jack: yeah.. (says to himself)what was she doing?

Voice over:down stare at the table
Breakfast was ready,although he
Woke up at noon..

Rem: master your breakfast is at your seat ..(show's him the breakfast)

Jack: has mom,dad gone for work?

Rem: yes master (with a sad face)even though you had fever last night..

Jack: (shouts) what last night! When?
(Grabs her shoulder) when did i get here? How? (Gets head ache) ahh....
(Puts his hand on his head)

Rem :master?...master you okay
(touches His forehead and checks temprature by touching her forehead to his )

*(Just like anime moments)*

Jack:(says to himself) she is so caring unlike my parents.

Rem : master you don't seem to have a fever okay were also behaving strange last night ( i wonder why ?).

Jack: what did i exactly do, Rem I can't
Remember what i did yesterday at all.
If try to remember i get headache.
(Looks at here worried)

Rem : master where you drunk?

Jack: no (annoyed)

Rem : okay okay master please don't be angry.
Yesterday you came from the back door
The light's were out so, i came hearing some sound you were walking like a zombie, all wet .when i called you, master looked at me strangely and angry.
Then you said in a different voice
To mind my own business..,but master
Normally when lights are out you would be scared and call dor help what happened to you (confused and worried)

Jack: i don't know why, i don't remember
Anything at all.

Voice over: suddenly he gets a chill down his spine, like some one was watching.He felt eminence fear turning pale, his heart beating fast and sweating.Then he turns around
To look and saw a.......


JACK THE REAPER Where stories live. Discover now