Class pet

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Hello everybody! Happy new year! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it :) I'm sorry this is posted a day late but yesterday I was gone the whole day and two days ago, I was busy celebrating new years! Also, I would really appreciate some name suggestions for the new addition to class 3-5. Anyways, this chapter was 1260 words long. Enjoy!

Only a few days have passed since Karma brought a special guest named Hon into the classroom and the students of 3-5 would not stop asking their teacher to meet him again. Nagisa knew that he couldn't bring the huskie to work because if he did, the class would not pay any attention to any of his lessons for the rest of that day. A few students gave up asking by the third day like Yamazaki, Wakumi and Koda while other had too much pride to beg to see a dog like Matsuo and Kure but most of the students wouldn't stop asking. Nagisa knew that he had to make a compromise with his class if he ever wanted them to stop.

On Wednesday, Hayashida asked her teacher about the puppy during lunch and Nagisa knew it was the perfect time to make his proposal. "Okay. How about this; if everybody gets above a 70% on the math test next week, then I'll get a class pet for the class next Friday. Deal?" Nagisa asked the class. Hayashida eyes brightened at as the words came out of her teacher's mouth. He mouth formed into a big smile. "Okay!" She said with excitement as she turned around and went to tell her classmates the marvelous news. By the end of lunch, the whole class was buzzing with elation. 

For the next few days,  a pole was formed by the students. Miki asked Nagisa if the students could use the board during lunch the next day. Collectively, the class formed a pole about what type of pet the class would get if they did well on the test. The class already knew that they weren't going to get a dog or a cat since they definitely could leave them alone in a classroom during the night and they would require too much attention during class. 

The class decided to get a few candidates : A hamster, a fish, a bird or a turtle. Bird was unlikely considering that it also couldn't be left alone during the night so the other three options where probably more likely but that didn't stop Ishii from being hopeful. 

Matsuo was the only students that wasn't participating in this whole class pet fiasco. He was fine with getting a class pet but he wasn't happy about the required test. Most of the, Matsuo doesn't really try on his tests but now he knew he had to. He definitely didn't want to get below a 70% since he knew how much his classmates want this pet. Three assassination attempts where made of the blue haired teacher during the week. 

On the day of the test, Nagisa's students came to class concentrated. They were ready. Nagisa handed out the tests and sat back down at his desk. He scrolled through his phone, looking for a specific animal. He had already decided the animal he was going to get for the class. The night before, he did research on the pet and discussed with his boyfriend the proper maintenance of said animal since Karma had one when he was a kid. 

 When Nagisa collected the tests, he could tell that most of the kids where nervous. He didn't blame them because he knew how much they wanted this pet. The thing that they didn't know though, was that Nagisa was going to get them a pet no matter what grade they got. He just wanted to give them some extra motivation to do well on the test. Also he thinks that it would be unfair for them to not get a pet even if they don't do too well since he knows that they put a lot of effort into their studies. 

Nagisa didn't have to worry about that though since, in the end, every students got above a 70%. The lowest grade was a 71% by Aiki and the highest grade was a 94% by Wakumi. Nagisa was really proud to go home and tell his boyfriend that they will be getting a pet for the class that day. He didn't tell the students their grades yet so they will have to wait until that Friday to establish if they succeeded in their goal. 

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"When is he going to show up?" Yure asked the class as they sat impatiently at their desks two minutes after the bell rang, signaling that class was in session. A few seconds after she asked the rhetorical question, the class door opened and Nagisa walked through. More anxiety worked itself into the students as he set down a cage or tank with a black sheet placed around it, effectively covering the contents inside. The students got excited. 

"Okay students, as you all know, the contents of this box may or may not hold a pet. That depends on whether or not you all succeeded in getting above a 70% on the test you all took a few days ago." Nagisa explained "Now I will give back all of your tests and then pull off the cover of this tank. Good luck." Nagisa said with a smile. 

Then he proceeded to walk around the class, handing out his student's tests. Every time Nagisa walked up to a student, that student would straighten in their seats and anxiously glance at their grade and each time, they would breath out a sigh of relief. In the end, the students realized that all of them got above a 70%. Smiles worked themselves onto the visages of the children as they waited for their teacher to speak. 

"As you all realized, you accomplished your goal and will be rewarded with a class pet!" Nagisa announced to his students. A cheer went through the class and Nagisa waited for them to stop as he walked up to the tank. He pulled off the black cover to reveal the contents of the box. The class collectively gasped when they saw what was waiting inside. 

Nagisa proceeded to open the tank and gently pulled the creature out. "This is a red-tailed Boa. They are non venomous and your new class pet. She's also a female." Nagisa said with a large smile on his face. Nagisa took the boa and gently rapped her around his neck. "So what do you think?" Nagisa asked, really eager to hear their response. He clearly didn't comprehend that for most people, snakes are scary. 

Matsuo stood up with a smile that wasn't shown too often. "Can I hold her?" He said with the same enthusiasm as the blue haired teacher. Nagisa's smile enlarged as the question was asked. "Sure!" He responded. Matsuo walked up to the front of the class and Nagisa slowly lifted the snake off of himself and placed her around his student's neck carefully so that he would not scare the creature. A few other students walked up to the front and observed the boa with awe. 

As Nagisa lectured the class about the proper way to care for a boa, the class of 3-5 realized that she is the perfect class pet for them. 

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