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Hey guys! This part is a little early cause i was feeling inspired to write lately. Thank you @Loading_istyping for this idea! I'm sorry if I didn't write it as you envisioned it to be but I hope you like it. Also if you forgot who the character is, she is in the anime so just look it up. Also thank you for all the reads!!! I think that's all i wanted to say... anyways, This chapter was around 1090 words long. I hope you enjoy!

Over the next two weeks, the class of 3-5 started to try and find Nagisa a girlfriend. It's hard, though, since every time they find a suitable match, they find a reason to disqualify her from their options. Like for example, last week, Kimora-kun remembered going over to his dark-green haired friend's house and seeing that his friend Koda, had a sister.  The next day, Kimora decided to tell this idea to Yamazaki since she, Aiki, Hayashida, Onishi Miki (She's the twin but since It would get confusing if i used her last name all the time, I'm just going to call her Miki) and Kure were the ones he started this idea and were the most involved. They all thought it was a good idea so they asked Koda what he thought and he confessed that she was lesbian. Every there apologized for assuming his sister's sexuality. Yamazaki wondered if they were assuming their teacher's sexuality too but she decided to get some proof before bringing up this idea to the group. 

Nagisa was aware of what his students were doing because one day, after class, he was cleaning  when he discovered a note. He got excited because even thought he isn't a big shipper like Rio or Karma, he still was shipping some of his students together. He definitely shipped Kure with Matsuo. He was disappointed to find that it was not a love letter but instead a note about him. He keep on reading and he found out that his students are looking to find a girlfriend for him. Now it was sweet that they cared but first of all, he doesn't swing that way and second of all he already has a boyfriend who he would never leave. A few days went by and he pretended that he didn't know their plans but he somethings overhears some information here and there.

They were all in the middle of history class when they heard a knock on the door. Nagisa went to the door and opened it. Most the students were intrigued by who was at the door because everyone was present in class that day so it couldn't be someone that's late. The door opened to reveal a girl, around their age with short pink hair.  She looked pretty normal apart from a black and blue bruise around her eye. Nagisa ran up to her.

"Sakura! What happened? Who did this to you?" Nagisa asked the girl. It was obvious that their teacher knew the girl but the students wondered how. The girl who was apparently named Sakura looked up at their teacher. "D-dad... Some mean kids hit me b-because they said I talk too much." Nagisa pulled the Sakura in for a hug as all his students sat there, dumbfounded. 'Did she just call him dad?!?!'  They all thought. 

Just then, Sakura noticed that Nagisa was teaching a class. Her eyes widened as she pulled away from the hug. "I'm sorry for disturbing you! I forgot you have a class to teach." Nagisa just smiled "Don't worry about it Sakura! I'll talk to Asano-kun about this later." Sakura looked up at Nagisa as a small smile reached her lips. "Um... Nagisa? Can i stay over at your and Karma's house tonight? I don't want my mom to worry even more than she already does."

"Of course you can. Just make sure to leave a note for your mother. Karma actually has a day off today so you should go there at lunch. I'll call him and let him now. Just tell your teacher that you're going home earlier. I'd rather you skip the last class then get bullied again." And with that, Sakura leaves the classroom and heads back to her own.

Nagisa turns back to his students to see all their mouths dropped to the floor. "Dad?!?!" They all scream. "I'm sorry sensei but you look way too young to have a child!" Benjiro Onishi says as his twin nods. Nagisa chuckles. "Well she's not actually my daughter. I'm just the closest thing she has to a father so she just started calling me that. She's actually the kid who inspired me to be a teacher. And you're right. I am too young to be an actually father."

The student let out a breath. One of the students wondered if they could set up Sakura's mother with their teacher. "Her mother is almost twice my age so don't even think of shipping us." Nagisa said while smirking. The student look up at his teacher. 'Did he just-'

— + — ~ — + —

Nagisa got home a little late since he had to have a talk with the principal about the bullies, but as he opened the door he saw his red-haired boyfriend and the pink haired girl on the floor in front of the tv, playing video games. They heard the door close and turned around to see their favorite bluenette. Sakura's face light up.

"Dad!!" she ran up and hugged him. Even though she was as old as his students, she acted childish. Nagisa figured it was because she spent most of her childhood acting like an adult. He didn't mind though. He just hugged her back. "Hey Sakura." 

Karma came up to them with a smirk. He went up to Nagisa and said with a fake pout. "Come on! How come she gets more attention than me. Not fair." Nagisa went up to Karma and kissed him gently on the lips. Karma smirked again. He had fallen into the trap. Karma pulled Nagisa closed as he deepened the kiss. Nagisa just stood there flustered until Karma let go.

"K-K-Karma!!!" Nagisa put his hands infront of his face while his face turn as red as Karma's hair. Karma just laughed at his flustered boyfriend. Sakura look at them with a disgusted "You guys are gross." She stuck her tongue out and turned away before they saw her smile at her flustered father-figure.

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