"Can we keep him?"

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Thank you guys so much!!! Karmagisa is the first ship that inspired me to read and now write fan fictions so seeing my fanfic #7 on Karmagisa makes me so happy!! In return, I will let you amazing people decided the name of the doggo. He's a fully black husky with light blue eyes. This chapter is around 810 words long. I'm sorry this is shorter than normal but I had a bunch of homework this week :( Anyways, enough complaining. Enjoy!

Nagisa was prepared for school. After the comment he made at the end of class on Thrusday, he knew he had to be prepared. The students would no doubt pester the teacher that whole day. Yamzaki already knew because of the date the other day and Nagisa had sworn her to secrecy. The good thing is that she was one of the main people trying to find out who he was dating.

First thing that he was going to do was come just on time, not a minute earlier than he needs to arrive because he knows that if he was early, they would ask him questions before class. He might also threaten a pop quiz if they ask questions during class.

When Nagisa arrived to class, the bell had just rung. When the students saw him, they started to bombard him with questions. Eventually, he got them to sit down. Imai-chan raised her hand and Nagisa stupidly called on her. "Sensei! Why did you li-" She was cutoff by Nagisa. "Okay students, I will answer one question at the end of school. Don't ask any questions regarding my love life until then unless you guys want a pop quiz!" Nagisa said. 

The students were relatively quiet about the subject until the end of school. Nagisa did hear some students talking about it amonts themselves, but other than that, no one said anything. Nagisa did happen to notice Kure-chan giving him a death glare for most of the class though. 

By the time the last class rolled by, Nagisa had decided on whom he would pick to ask a question. Kure-chan. At lunch time, he decided to ask his ally, Yamazaki, if she knew why Kure was giving him the death glare. Yamazaki explained that she was mad about Nagisa 'lying' about Nagisa having a girlfriend. Nagisa knew that if he picked her, she would asked about him lying. 

And he was right. "Why did you lie to us about not having a girlfriend?" Kure asked her teacher with venom in her voice when he called on her to ask a question. Nagisa laughed and said "I didn't lie. I don't have a girlfriend." When the class tried to ask for further clarification, Nagisa told them that their one question was already asked and he promptly left the class. 

— + — ~ — + —

Nagisa was walking home after school when he heard a whine. At first he thought it was just his imagination, but when he heard the same noise for a second time, he knew it was real. He waited until he heard another whine to see were it came from and he followed the noise to a dumpster in an ally way. No, the noise was coming from behind the dumpster. Nagisa peeked his head between the dumpster and the ally way wall and a horrible scene.

Between the wall and the dumpster, Nagisa saw a puppy who seemed to be stuck. He almost didn't see the puppy because of his black fur but the dog's blue eyes practically illuminated the enclosed space. Nagisa quickly pulled the dumpster away from the wall, freeing the puppy. The dog was still whimpering so Nagisa went to examine him closer. 

The puppy's paw appeared to be injured, probably from getting the poor dude squished. Nagisa couldn't see if it was broken, sprained or just injured because of the darkness of the ally. When Nagisa exited the ally, he realized that it had gotten dark. Nagisa knew that he was going to have to bring the puppy home. (Btw, you get to choose his name :)

— + — ~ — + —

Karma was worried. Nagisa was normally never home this late so Karma was already imaging the worst case scenario. Karma would be lying if he said he wasn't shocked to see his boyfriend walking through the front door while cradling a puppy like a baby. Before Karma could question why he had a puppy, Nagisa spoke up. "I found him stuck in behind a dumpster. He's injured. I don't know how badly injured he is yet because it was too dark to see in the ally and it was already dark outside. I had no other choice to bring him back. In other words," Nagisa took a breath before continuing.

"Can we keep him?"

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