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Hello everyone! Sorry this a few days late, I just got back to Irl school so I had a little less free time to write. I do hope you all enjoy this chapter though since I liked writing it. I also hope none of you guys are getting bored of this story yet. Sorry that it's been going on for such a long time. I would never have predicted that I would write so much for this fanfic. Anyways. This chapter is around 1400 words long. I hope you all have a great rest of your day or night! Also, here's some cute fan art I found on Twitter (Idk who the original artist is, srry)

Satou realized that she wasn't really as prepared as she thought. At first, she thought that all she needed to do is break into the classroom, find what she was looking for, and give it to her mother. It was sounded easy in concept, but she kind of forgot to factor in the part that Nagisa-sensei was smart. She didn't know why or how a teacher was so observant that he knew when someone broke in just by looking at his desk but he was.

Satou needed to train. She needed to train mentally and physically. She had heard rumors that the teacher was strong and very good at fighting. A trainer is what she needed. Someone who could teach her how to fight and how to outsmart someone. After searching for hours online, she found someone who she had deemed to be perfect for that job. 

He was a trainer who worked not too far from her own house. Apparently, he was the best of the best. Even though he started working for that company not too long ago, he quickly rose to the top as one of the best trainers that the company had even hired. The only negative complaints he had gotten were about how hard his classes were. Also, not only did he train people to fight, but he also trained them in some useful tricks such as how to pick a lock or how to disarm someone. He was perfect.

The next day was lucky a Saturday so she didn't have to go to school. She booked an appointment to train with the guy the night before even though it was kind of expensive. She got up from bed right when her eyes opened and got up to go get dressed. 

(I'm sorry but getting up the second you wake up is kind of psycho behavior ngl)

She walked into her walk-in closet and picked out an outfit. Once she did, he walked out of the closet with the clothes in her hand and entered the adjacent bathroom. She looked at her unbrushed hair and decided to fix that before she brushed her teeth. Then, she changed out of her peach panda pajamas and changed into her outfit for the day. 

Since she was going to do a lot of training and exercises today, she decided to pick out a workout outfit. She changed into her black leggings and peach sports bra with a white fishnet cropped hoodie (Idk I saw one online and thought it looked cute). She put on some orange track shoes and some black gloves before putting her hair into a high ponytail. She left a few strands of hair on the sides of her face to shape her face a little. She decided to put on a little bit of mascara and eyeliner before she left the bathroom. 

When she got out of her bathroom and came back into her room, she got all her stuff prepared. There wasn't much that she necessarily needed since it said online that they provided all the training equipment so all she packed was a water bottle, a towel, and a change of clothes for after training. She left the house twenty minutes before her appointment even though it was only a ten-minute walk. She left the house without seeing her mother once, which was probably for the better since mother was in a mood ever since her failed attempt at finding it. 

 — + — ~ — + —

Satou opened the front door to the training studio and walked in. She looked around and saw a whole bunch of training equipment. There were lifeless dummies, dumbbells, treadmills, and all of the usual things you would expect to see at a gym. The only difference from a normal gym was that there were trainers motivating and helping people do their training. There was also an area where the trainers taught self-defense and to fight. Satou headed towards that area since that was where she was told to meet her trainer. 

When she got there, she put her bag down next to the mat and waited for her instructor. She was told to wait for him and he would come over. She even gave him a description of herself so that he knew what she looked like so why wasn't he here yet? She started to get a little nervous that she got it wrong. Got the time wrong or the place or maybe she wasn't descriptive enough with her look. The last one was probably not it because she mentioned that she was wearing orange and when she looked around the gym, she noticed that no one else was wearing orange.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and spun around. Then she came face to face with her new trainer. His red hair was looked a little wet which she could only assume was a result of sweat. He gave her a friendly smile and brought out his hand for her to shake. 

"Hey, I'm Karma Akabane, your new trainer." The trainer said as she took his hand and shook it. 

  — + — ~ — + —

Nagisa was happy that Karma was getting to do something he loved doing. Nagisa always knew that he loved fighting so he was happy that Karma got to fight and even get paid for it without the risk of getting hurt. One thing he knew for sure though, was that his boyfriend didn't really care who he was training. When Nagisa questioned why he wasn't worried that he could be training someone dangerous who could be using the skills he taught for malicious reasons, Karma said that he didn't care what they used their skills for. Nagisa wasn't very okay with this though. Without telling his boyfriend, Nagisa decided to do background checks on the people who apply for training lessons. He was kind of going behind Karma's back but it was for a good reason so Nagisa found it justified.

Most people who were applying weren't bad people though. Some people were just guys who wanted to get stronger and to improve their training regiment or women who wanted to be taught self-defense. Occasionally, there were people who were bad and had very bad criminal records. For those people, Nagisa contacted Karasuma to ask him if they were assassins since Karasuma had access to that kind of information. If Karasuma confirmed that they were assassins, Nagisa would let it slid and let Karma train them, but if they weren't, then he would send them back an email making up some excuse on why Karma was unable to train them.

When Nagisa received an application from a female named Satou no last name given, he decided to check it out. Normally, when someone refused to put their last name, it was a red flag. When he clicked on her profile, he saw the picture of a young girl who he recognized. Nagisa realized that she was Kimora's girlfriend the second he saw her. 

He was about to click off of the profile and just put her profile through without a second thought when he saw something bizarre. He took a moment to overlook the profile once more before he put it through. There wasn't any reason why he shouldn't turn it in. 

He just thought it was weird that she said that she had no parents in the document even though Nagisa was positive that it said differently on her school file.

Why would she lie though?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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