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Hello! I decided to make a chapter about the new sub, Irina Jelavić. Also, I mention the show "the 100" in this chapter. It's personally one of my favorite Netflix shows. I'm even currently reading the books for the 100. It's really good! Anyways, this chapter is a little longer than usual. It's words 1365 long. Also, thank you for all the support! I really hope you enjoy!

The class was already sitting at their respective desks when the bell rang. Some students were reading like Wakumi and some where drawing like Yamazaki but most of the students were talking. "She's late." Aiki stated with a pout. He was really excited to see the new sub because apparently she used to be one of Nagisa-sensei's teacher back when he was in junior high but Aiki wasn't a patient person so he was kind of annoyed that she was late. "It's fine," Imai told the boy "She's probably lost while trying to look for our class. I mean our class is at the back of the building away from all the other classes." Aiki decided that that was a good explanation. Still didn't make him less impatient though. 

The door bursted open and a blond haired woman walked into the class. Kimora felt drool slip out of his mouth and Yamazaki slapped him on the top of his head to make him snap out of it. "Hello class I'm Mrs. Jelavić. Now i really don't want to be here because I hate being a teacher. I mean come on! I don't have any real qualifications! But anyways, you guys have to do a five page essay about the perks of being beautiful like me in english." Irina said as she sat down at the teacher's desk and took out her phone. The students weren't pleased by this at all. It reminded them of the treatment they received from the mean teachers that they had before Nagsia came into their lives. 

Aiki glared at the teacher until she eventually noticed. She looked around the room and noticed that some of the other students were glaring at her too. "Okay why are you guys glaring at me?" She asked. "Well it's because you're hot-" Kimora started but again was interrupted by a slap on the back of his head. Yamazaki spoke up after slapping her classmate. "Well some of us don't really appreciate being ignored for an entire class." She said in a bitter tone. Irina looked at her for a moment only to go back on her phone. 

"Okay listen up teacher," Matsuo said as he stood up from his chair. "You're not just gonna give us a bunch of work while you sit there on your phone. I recommend you leave this class before I get really mad." Matsuo threatens as he cracks his knuckles in a menacing way. Normal people would scurry at the sight on the large man but Irina just rolled her eyes and laughed before looking back at her phone. When she realized that no one else was laughing, her eyes traveled back to Matsuo and caught his malicious glare. "Oh wait you're serious? Geez this is why I don't teach anymore." She got up and put her phone face down on the table. She pulled herself on top of the table and sat on the teacher's desk. 

"Threats don't work on everybody you know, and they certainly do not work on me. If you have a problem tell it to me face to face." She said and as Matsuo made his way closer, she pulled herself onto her feet and off the table and stood in front of him face to face. Even though he towered over her, she knew that she had the control over this situation. Her face though, didn't show any signs of advantage of the situation. In fact, her face didn't show any emotions at all. They stood like that for a few seconds before Irina swiped her foot at Matsuo's leg in a quick motion making him fall backwards. Irina then bent down and reached out her hand and placed it on the back his head before it would have collided with the classroom floor. Matsuo's eyes where wide with fear since truly believed that he was going to hit the ground. He had not expected that at all. 

"I would normally let your head on the ground, but I don't really feel like dealing with a lawsuit." Irina said before she pulled the boy onto his feet. She was about to turn back and sit back at the teacher's desk when she heard a voice speak behind her. "Teach me" She heard Matsuo say. She slowly turned back to face him with an eyebrow raised. "Teach you?" She questioned.

"Yes. I want to learn how to do cool stuff like the the stuff that you and Nagisa-sensei do." Matsuo said firmly. "Me too!" Hayashida jumped up and exclaimed. This remark was followed by a chorus of agreement from the class. Irina was a little shocked to hear the practically everyone wanted to learn fight tricks and was actually pretty pleased but she wasn't sure if Nagisa would be okay with her teaching them to fight. She decided that she would teach them something a little easier. 

"Okay everyone, I'm going to teach you something easy first. Can everyone please take out their fake knives?" Irina asked and took out her own knife as the students followed and did the same. Once they all had their fake knives out, Hayashida raised her hand. "Yes brown-haired girl?" Irina said since she couldn't bother to remember any of their names. "Umm... how did you know that Nagisa-sensei gave us knives?" She asked the sub. Irina answered a few seconds later. "Oh well I just assumed since your teacher happens to be Nagisa." 

"Okay bitch-sensei." Kimora said nonchalantly. Irina snapped her head towards the boy. "What did you just call me?" She asked as she narrowed her eyes. Kimora smirked. "Bitch-sensei! Nagisa-sensei told us that if we didn't call you that, he would fail us all so I'm not taking any chances." The rest of the class nodded in agreement. Irina looked thoughtful for a moment. "How about if Nagisa asks, I'll tell him that you called me Bitch-sensei so you won't have to call me that. It's a win-win." Irina proposed.

"Hehe that's not gonna happen!" A voice came out of no where. Everybody's eyes, including Irina's, search the room to try and locate where the sound came from. "Over here!" Came the voice again. Irina eyes shot to the desk and saw her phone. Irina picked up her phone that was previously on the desk face down and turned it right side up. She saw purple haired girl covering her screen. All the students got up form their seats to look over Irina's should to see what she was looking at.

"Ritsu." Irina stated. The A.I. chuckled "Hello Bitch-sensei! I recommend that all the students call you Bitch-sensei because I'm going to have to report to Nagisa if they don't! I'm always watching!" Ritsu threatened in the sweetest and most cheerful voice she could manage. Irina didn't know if it was just her, but she swears she saw the girl's eyes flash red  for a split second before the screen turned black. 

"O-okay students. Sit down in your seats please." Irina said in a shaky voice as they made their ways back to their desks. 

— + — ~ — + —

Nagisa was at home with a bowl of popcorn in between him and his boyfriend, Karma. They were watching season 4 of "the 100" on the couch. They had a blanket around them and had his head leaned over onto Karma's shoulder. Karma keep doing this thing were he would take the popcorn that Nagisa was trying to get before him but every time Nagisa looked over to Karma, he would just innocently smile at him. It was so cute. Nagisa loved being his with his boyfriend all day, even if he was up to mischief 24/7. Nagisa sigh happily and said "I wish I thought of getting suspended earlier." 

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