Second day part 2

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Okay this is part 2 of the second day! I know it's kind of rushed but I didn't really feel like putting too much detail in it because for now it's going pretty slow. I have some great idea's of were the story is going to be headed and for now I'm kinda bored with the story and not too into it but i think as the story progresses, do will my motivation. I think I'm going to started to add more Karmagisa because thanks to this ship, I started to read fanfics. This chapter was around 945 words long. I hope you Enjoy!

After roll call, Nagisa saw that a few of his students had their hands raised so he decided that he would answer some of their questions. He called on Kimora-kun. "Nagisa-sensei? Where you jump from buildings this morning? 'Cause I saw a guy that look like you jumping from buildings on my way to school. Was it you?" Everyone except the student he landed next to that morning looked at Kimora like he was crazy to think their teacher was jumping off roofs, especially the twins who weren't at school the day before to see what the little teacher could do.

Nagisa chuckled. "Yup! That was me. I thought I was going to be late for school so I decided to take the shortcut. Plus it's really fun! Unless you get caught though... Some people get kinda mad when you jump on their roofs." Nagisa says as if jumping on roofs to get to school is totally normal. The students were all shocked at his response." Anyways, any more questions?" Nagisa asks his studnets.

Just as Nagisa was about to call on another student, knocking came from the from door. Nagisa walked to the door and opened it, revealing the principal. "Hey Nagisa! It's been awhile!" Said the principal. The class was shocked. The principal is almost never friendly and most of the time is rude to class 3-5 but for some reason is being friendly towards their teacher. "Oh hey Asano-kun! What are you doing here?" Nagisa asks his old rival. The became closer after the Koro-sensei news but they never really became friends. More like rivals. Asano smiled smugly " Well i happen to be the principal." Nagisa smiled softly "Oh that's cool! I was worried that the principal was something like our principal" Nagisa chuckled 

"Yeah, my dad sucked as a principal. Hey, what's in the bag over there?" Principal Asano asked while pointing at the bag Nagsia had put his fake knives in. "Oh just some fake knifes." Nagisa said totally nonchalantly. The class was shocked at their teacher for the third time the day. First the roof drama, then the principal and Nagisa's friendship and finally the honesty of what was in the bag.

"Oh okay just no fake guns alright?" The principal said just as the students thought that this day couldn't get any more crazy. "Yeah, I know the guns would be too loud so i decided to leave them at home." "Wait what?!?!" the students thought. Their teacher said that he decided to leave the guns at home but that doesn't explain why he had fake guns in the first place! 

After a few more minutes of Nagisa and Asano talking and confusing the students in class 3-5, the principal told Nagisa that he had to go. Once he left, turned back to his classroom and announced that he was going to distribute the knives. The class was all shocked from the events that occurred this morning but they quickly realized that they were going to have to get used to it because this was going to become their new normal. 

— + — ~ — + —

During class, the students calmed down a little and tried to adapt to their new school life. They did try to hit their teacher with the knives he provided but Nagisa always either dodged them or caught them. None of them actually hit their target though. Some of Nagisa's student actually started to pay attention in class while they would normally ignore the lessons. 

Lunch rolled around and this time, Nagisa didn't even attempt to eat with the rest of the teachers. He was still mad at them for what happened the day before so he decided that he would eat with his class once again. His eyes widened as he remembered something. Nagisa didn't pack his lunch this morning... Karma did! He immediately started to blush at that realization and hoped that his students would noticed like they did before. "I mean what's the chances? There's no way they could embarrass him twice!" Nagisa thought shortly afterwards, he realized he jinxed himself as Kimora-kun walked up to him 

"Oooo! I see you have your school girl lunch again!" the student said. Nagisa was embarrassed but not distracted. Nagisa could tell that the teen had something planed. Just then, Kimora-kun attempted to stab his teacher with his fake knife but Nagisa dodged anyways and disarmed the student. 

"Good job distracting me! It would have worked if I had not noticed that your insults were planned before hand. Yesterday's insults sounded more unplanned and therefore I knew that you were planning something. Now if you don't mind, please let me question what I did wrong to deserve a boyfr- *cough* roommate that makes me this kind of lunch." Nagisa told his student in a sad voice. The day went by fast and by the end of the day, Nagisa just wanted to get back home and sleep on his nice, comfy bed.

Second day: complete

Nagisa-SenseiМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя