Kayano Kaede

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Hello everyone!! Wow a lot of people are reading this story! Thank you so much! In the next chapter, I'll put more Karmagisa because it's one of my favorite ships of all time!! Also i did mention that it's a wednesday in the story when they meet Akari Yukimura (Kayano) because i feel like this story is all over the place sometimes and maybe dates will make it more organized. Welp thanks for reading! This chapter is 960 words long btw. 

All the student were shocked when Akari Yukimura recognized their teacher. She even called him by his first name! The students have no clue why Nagisa-sensei failed to mention that he personally knew the movie star but the thing that confused them more was what he called her. Kayano. Why did he call her that? While the students were comprehending what just happened, Nagisa continued his conversation with his high school friend.

 "So when were you planning on telling me that you're back in town?" Nagisa asked her as he crossed his arms. Kayano scratched the back on her head. "Ummm... Well I was planning on going to surprise visit you and Karma after you came back from work but obviously you came and ruined the surprise." Kayano responded with a pout. The continued talking until finally one of the students spoke up and asked for a picture. Soon all of the students were asked for photos expect Matsuo because apparently it's 'lame'. He failed to noticed that Nagisa could tell he was excited to meet her. 

Imai-chan finally spoke up to ask a question. She didn't really know or care who this Akari was since she didn't really seem to care about anything. She did think it was cool when she found out that she does he own stunts for her movies. Imai likes to learn trick on her skateboard and Akari once was in a movie were she did a lot of skateboard tricks but Imai always thought that it was a stunt double. Maybe this actor isn't that back. "How do you know our teacher?" She asks. She definitely wasn't the only person in the class with that question on their mind. 

Kayano smiled "Your teacher and I were best friends in junior high." The students jaws all dropped. Again. Airi-kun was the first to speak up. "And why didn't you tell us this early?!?!" he said in a betrayed kind of way. Nagisa chuckled. "Because I knew that this is how you'd respond. Plus it's more funny this way." Kayano laughed. "Nagisa~ you've been spending too much time with Karma." Nagisa blushed at the thought and sadly his students saw. Their eyes widened.

"Wait..." Kure started excitedly. "Are you... dating?" Nagisa and Kayano's heads turned towards with and stared at her before they burst out into fits of laughter. Kayano spoke up after a minute of laughing. "No, I'm not dating Nagisa. He actually rejected me." Kayano told Nagisa's students casually. The students heads turned toward their teacher. "Why would you reject her? She's so pretty!" Kimora-kun asks his teacher. Kayano smirked and winked at her best friend. "Well that's because-"

"Oh, hey! look at the time! Don't you have more meet and greets?" Nagsia cut her off while giving her a not-so-friendly stare. Kayano seemed to forget completely about the question. "Oh yeah! Sorry guys, I have to go! Oh, and Nagisa? I'll visit you and Karma today. Just make sure I don't walk in on you and him ki-" "Kayano! Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Nagisa shouted at her. Kayano chuckled as she started to walk out of the room. "They're gonna find out eventually Nagi." A few seconds later, the door closed with a bunch of confused students and a flustered teacher. 

The students had a new question on their mind after that day. They heard the name a lot before from Nagsia-sensei. They brushed it off but now they felt that they need this question answered. Who is Karma?

— + — ~ — + —

Karma and Nagisa were on the couch with some fluffy blankets rapped around them. They decided to watch a movie since the reservation for their date was canceled last minute. They still wanted to do something fun together though, so they picked out a movie and rescheduled their fancy date to that Sunday.

Half way through the movie, Karma started play with Nagsia's long hair (I like nagisa with pigtails more then short haired Nagisa so...). Nagisa leaned into his boyfriend's touch. After a few minutes, Karma stopped playing with Nagisa's hair which caused Nagisa to look at Karma to ask why he stopped. Karma just stared at Nagisa with a smile on his face. He really loves his bluenette. Nagisa returned his smile. The both started to lean into a kiss. Their lips were about to touch when the door slammed open!

"What's up? The third wheel is here!!" Kayano yelled as Karma and Nagisa's heads turned towards her. Karma was kind of pissed that she had to storm in at this particular moments but he let it slid since he hasn't seen her in while. He did groan with annoyance though. 

Nagisa on the other hand, completely forgot that she would be visiting. He greeted her and moved closer to his boyfriend, making space for her to sit next to him. Karma gladly pulled Nagisa closer and Nagisa was leaning his head on the read-head's shoulder with a blush. Kayano sat down and started to pull something out of her bag. Nagisa was shocked to see GrApE jUiCe come out of her bag. He knows he shouldn't take drink any GrApE jUiCe since he has a class to teach, but one drink wouldn't hurt right..?

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