Just a sub

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Hello peeps! I don't really have anything to say this time except that if you like reading, I would definitely recommend The Dogs of Christmas. It's by Bruce Cameron and he's the guy who also read A Dog's Purpose and the sequel, A Dog's Journey and A Dog's Purpose. He's definitely my favorite author. This chapter was 1370 words long. I hope you enjoy!

A week later, Nagisa and the rest of his students were in class like normal when a knock came at the door. Nagisa walked over to the front door of the class as his students tensed up. Everybody in class 3-5 knew who was going to turn up at the door and they were dreading opening it. Nagisa opened the door with a loud creak. In came a man with small glasses and gelded hair and a suit. He was way too over dressed. 

His name is Tokaji Izumi. He stood at the door for a second, observing the bluenette in front of him, before walking past him, bumping him on the way in. He looked around the classroom, only to find that it was clean for the first time in forever. Tokaji also saw that the students were pretty quiet and not causing their usual ruckus. He stood there for a moment, shocked at the behaving students in front of him, but he quickly regained his composure and went back to his usual bored expression. 

He walked to the teacher's desk and sat down. Nagisa didn't really think he deserved to sit at the teacher's desk since he hasn't been in the class the whole year. It's been Nagisa teaching the students in class 3-5 for the year. He should be the one seated at the desk, handing out the exam for the first semester at school, not Tokaji. But he didn't say anything. He just stood a few feet away from the desk he deserved. 

"Ok class, today we are going to do the first semester exam. Shiota-sensei will pass them out. Don't bother me with your useless questions during the exam. Don't cheat and when you're done, place the exam on the left corner of your desk. Also no talking. You will have till the end of class to finish" Tokaji-sensei told the students. 

Nagisa went to each of their desks and gave them each their papers with a smile. He knew they would pass. Nagisa had helped them study and made sure each one of them understood what they learned. The students were excited for an exam for the first time in their life. Not because they like tests or anything like that, but instead because they couldn't wait to see the look Tokaji-sensei's face when he looked over the test. 

"Okay everyone start." Tokaji said lazily as he took out his phone. He plopped in his earphones, took one last glance at the class and preceded to not look at them for the rest of the exam. Nagisa on the other hand, took out a book and decided to read a little. He took out "The Dogs of Christmas" by Bruce Cameron aka the guy who wrote "A Dog's Purpose" (It's a real book and it's amazing!) Though, unlike Tokaji-sensei, Nagisa actually payed attention to the kids to make sure they were not cheating, even though he knew they wouldn't and they would have no reason to cheat.

A few minutes before the end of class, some of the students started to turn in their exams. Tokaji was shocked and he really tried to hide it but nothing slips by Nagisa. Tokaji really didn't expect them to even finish the tests, let alone turn them in before the bell rang. Not even all the higher class students could do that. 

Nagisa wasn't at all surprised though. The thing is, Nagisa had been teaching them stuff a year above what they were suppose to know as well as the stuff they were suppose to be learn for the curriculum. The students though, didn't know until the following week when Nagisa told them so they could study the right material for the exam. 

To class 3-5, this exam was easy.

When the bell rung, all the exams were in the left corner of the student's desks and the students were sitting back in their chairs. Tokaji was even more shocked and this time he didn't even bother to try to hide it. Tokaji was suspicious though. He took the test off of Aiki's desk and started to check it. The students sat in absolute silence as the teacher checked Aiki's test. 

Nagisa knew why Tokaji when to check Aiki's desk. At the start of the year, Nagisa quickly realized that Aiki was struggling in quite a few of the subjects. Nagisa decided to do something Koro-sensei would have done. He curated a some special work for Aiki to fit his capabilities and help him improve in a way he would understand. Aiki didn't even realize that his teacher had done this until another students asked for help with their homework and Aiki came to the conclusion that they didn't have the same homework. Nagsia did this with a few other students when they were struggling in a subject and most of the time, they didn't even realize. Of course, Nagisa couldn't do this with all the students like Koro-sensei since Nagisa is only human and Koro-sensei is a lab experiment. 

To put it short, Tokaji expected to find Aiki's exam to contain all the wrong answers but instead, he had 80% of it right. Tokaji slammed the test to Aiki's desk as the students flinched and walked up to the front of the class. Tokaji faced morphed into a face of anger. 

"There is no way that you actually got those answers yourself. I know you guys are cheating and this is unexpectable. I'm bringing this up with your principal and fail you all!" Tokaji started to walk to the door of the classroom but instead was greeted by Nagisa.

"Move." Tokaji commanded but Nagisa stood his ground. "I said move!" He commanded again. Nagisa didn't even react. Instead he took a deep breath and started to talk. "Excuse me but MY students did not cheat on any exam." Nagisa said firmly. Tokaji scoffed. "I know your new here and all but those demons have never even gotten about and 60% and you're telling that the worst student got an 80%? Just move out of my way." Tokaji said, his voice laced with anger.

Aiki winced at the comment and his shoulders drooped. If it didn't cost him his job, Nagisa would have given the man who calls himself a teacher a black eye just for that comment. Since it would lose him his job though, Nagisa decided against that. "Don't say that about my student." Nagisa said, matching the same anger in his voice. 

Tokaji laughed. "Or what? You're just a sub! And a weak one" This made Nagisa even more pissed. He gave the other 'teacher' his infamous death stare. Tokaji froze for a moment and fear washed over his eyes. Only for a moment though. He definitely was underestimating the bluenette. That was his first mistake. 

Tokaji scolded "Just move out my way." When Nagisa still didn't move, Tokaji made his second mistake. He reached out his hand ready to push Nagisa to the floor and out of his way. Nagisa snapped and grabbed the arm before it could collide with his shoulder and twisted it. Then he proceeded to twist the arm behind the teacher back. Tokaji's glasses feel off of his face because of the sudden movement.

"Listen here 'friend'," Nagisa said with venom dripping out of his voice "Don't you DARE try to push me ever again because next time I might not show as much mercy and I'll go ahead and break it instead of just twisting it. Got that?" Nagisa twisted the arm a little more as the other teacher winced. Nagisa knew that if he twisted it more that it really would break so he relented and let go of the teacher. "Now get out of my classroom." Nagisa said as he pointed towards the door.

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