Karma Akabane

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Hello everybody! Okay, so far, I haven't really had an idea of where this book is going, I was just going to write until I got bored of it and decided to end it but now I think I have a concrete idea so I'm happy about that! Also I know the holidays are coming soon but I'm not going to make a special chapter for it since I don't want to get religious for a fanfic. I did Halloween since, to my knowledge, it not a religious holiday. I might to new years cause that's not religious either, right? This chapter was a little shorter than the ones I've been doing lately. In total, it's 950 words long. I hope you enjoy it though. Btw I put a swear word in this chapter... Don't come for me.

Previously :

Karma opened the driver's side door and stepped out to join Nagisa and the five students. Koda, Aiki and Imai's faces all became shocked once more as they started at the male who had kissed their teacher. Karma arrived at Nagisa's side, he gave the students a toothy grin before saying "Hey! I'm Karma, Nagisa's boyfriend."

— + — ~ — + —

The students just stood there, dumbfounded. Yamazaki was the first one to recover from the state of shock. She had already met Nagisa's boyfriend earlier when she kind of bombed their date. Hayashida was the second one to recover since she had already been made aware of the couple when they made their way into her sister's tattoo parlor. She looked at Karma once more and she spotted something on his arm. 

"Omg is that a snake tattoo? Wow it looks so cool!" Hayashida exclaimed with excitement. Karma had a dark blue colored tattoo on his arm. The reason he got it was because it represented Nagisa. The teacher always reminded Karma or some sort of a serpent when he fought. Kayano even described him as a snake when she retold the story of Nagisa taking down Takaoka right after he hurt two of their classmates. 

"Seriously? You just comment on a tattoo when Nagisa-sensei just told us he has a boyfriend. How are you not shocked!" Aiki asked in disbelief. His mind was racing. Why hadn't he realized earlier? Did Nagisa-sensei not want to be outed? Was he scared of how they would react? How long had this been going on? and lastly, why the **** (french word for seal) had they not even considered the prospect of their teacher being homosexual? (idk don't ask me :^ It's not like I make the decisions...)

"Oh! That's because I already knew. This is the first time I've actually met him though." Hayashida said as if it was not big deal. Aiki gave her a death stare. "Not a big deal? NOT A BIG DEAL?! I can't believe you kept this from me." He says with over exaggerated hurt written on his face.

Hayashida looked at him for a second before responding. "Yamazaki knew too." Aiki looked a Yamazaki with the same fake betrayed face he gave to Hayashida before turning to the red-haired boyfriend of his teacher. "Wait... you're the Karma that people keep mentioning." Imai says as she connected the dots after a moment. Karma's face broke into a smirk.

"Oh really? Has my blueberry been mentioning me?" He says as he raps an around Nagisa's waist as the teacher's face transforms into the same color as his boyfriend's hair. The students were surprised about how shameless Karma was being at his boyfriend's work place. They were also shocked that Nagisa didn't seem to have any intention to pull out of the grasp of the guy beside him.

The bell rang, startling the group. "Oh no! I can't be late! Sorry Karma I got to go." Nagisa planted a quick kiss on his boyfriend's lips. He started walking towards the school but before he could enter into the gates, he turned back around to face his boyfriend. "Love you!" He said before promptly disappearing out of sit. 

The students' hearts melted at the touching scene. When they turn around to face Karma, his smirk was replaced with a smile. Koda opened his mouth to ask him a question but Karma interrupted bet him to it. "I'll talk to you guys later. Nagi will literally assassinate me if I keep you guys here too long. Don't worry though, I'm sure we'll meet again soon." Karma told the students with a wink. 

They parted ways as the red-read turned back to his car and the students turned the opposite way. Yamazaki was pondering about Karma's peculiar choice of wording for what Nagisa-sensei would do if he kept them too long. "Assassinate..." Yamazaki muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. She didn't think she ever herd someone say a sentence formed like that. Normally people would say "He will literally kill me", so why did he phrase it like that? 

"Did you say something Yamazaki?" Hayashida asked when she her whisper something under her breath. The purple-haired girl snapped back into reality. "I didn't say anything." Yamazaki told the petite girl. Even though she didn't believe her, Hayashida dropped it. "Okay..." She said unconvincingly before turning her head back to the hallway that Yamazaki hadn't even realize they entered. 

"Assassinate."  Yamazki repeated, this time not out loud. After a moment, the five students arrived at the door to their classroom. As Koda opened the door and held the wooden door open for his classmates, Yamazaki realized she was probably overanalyzing this. She still felt a little uneasy as she let the though slip out of her mind.

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