Overcoming Fears

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Hello everybody! This is kind of a filler chapter since I didn't want to write something too long after last week's chapter. I really like this chapter and I hope you guys enjoy it just as much as me. This chapter was around 1060 words long. Enjoy!!!

"What is your biggest fear." 

It's a question that asked often. Sometimes this question is asked on dates to get to know each other better. Sometimes it's asked by your friends when you're hanging. Sometimes it's asked in a small white office with a weird plant in the corner and a big white couch with a fluffy pillow and with happy encouraging paintings on the wall by a sweet looking lady who has glasses and a notepad and a pen in her frail looking hands. 

Normally the answers are pretty predictable. Spiders, snakes, fire, heights, beavers. Sometimes the answers and irrational and sometimes they aren't, like the fear of spiders is pretty irrational since, even though they look scary, they are usually harmless (Unless you're in Australia.), but the fear of fire is rational since if the fire is not contained in a fireplace or a campfire, it can be very fatal. One thing is true though. His fear is definitely rational. 

He answers the question honestly and the therapist looks at him for any indication that he is telling her a joke. She looks at him weirdly when she finds none. She asks him why and, again, he answers truthfully. She looks at him weirdly again, trying to find out if he is just in her therapy office as a joke, for his fear is rather... unusual you could say. She doesn't really know what to say since, in all her years of practice, she has never seen a fear such as his. 

"Well... one way to get rid of your... 'Fear'... is to maybe try some exposure therapy." She said hesitantly almost like she had no clue what she was talking about. He didn't notice that fact though. All he wanted is to overcome his fear and if that meant trusting that exposure therapy was the way to go, then so be it. 

He jumps up from the white couch and announces that he shall try it. At this point, she is just too weirded out to disagree. He seems oblivious to the judgment he was getting from the lady as he paid and set off to overcome his fear. The judgement that he was getting from the woman was unprecedented, for his fear was completely rational. 

Asano saw no reason why he shouldn't fear class 3-5. 

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Exposure therapy. Asano's therapist said that it would work, that it would help him overcome his fear of class 3-5. The only problem was that Asano didn't really want to expose himself to the class once again. It was his only option though...

Asano stood in front of the door, debating if he should go through with this plan. After a moment of standing with his hand half raised as to knock on the door, he decided that he should. He knocked on the door. He hear small footsteps walking towards the door. The footstep were a little too small. It didn't sound like a human's footstep. Asano stood at the door with his head tilted. 

He then heard some actual human footsteps rush to the door and grab something off of the ground. The door opened a moment later to reveal Nagisa. He looked pretty worried and nervous which is odd for the small teacher. 

"G-good morning Asasno-kun." Nagisa stuttered out. Asasno immediately knew something was up. The bluenette never stuttered unless someone was teasing him, usually Karma. Asano knew he couldn't have flustered the other just by showing up at the door.  

Asano just then notices that Nagsia had his hand placed behind his back in an unusual position, making it seem as if he was holding something, hiding something behind his back. Was he hiding something from him? Asano looked behind the teacher and saw that the students of class 3-5 wore the same expression as their teacher. 

A bark erupted from somewhere. Asano's eyes trailed where the bark had come from and located that the bark was originate from behind Nagisa. Another bark was heard as the creature in behind Nagisa squirmed. Fear crawled it's way up Asano's back as he wondered what kind of monster was Nagsia actually holding. 

Nagisa, not wanting the thing to fall out of his hands, quickly turned around and placed it on the ground. Asano's face paled as he realized that the monster was loose. Asano mentally prepared for a green smile monster to jump out at him. What he actually saw was very different from what he expected. 

A puppy.

A black husky pup jumped out from behind Nagisa and pranced its way over to the principal. Asano started at the pup in wonder as the little guy started to rub against his leg practically demanding pets form the stranger that he was never met in his life. 

"I'm so sorry Asano-kun! I know it's really unprofessional to bring an animal into the class. I'm very sorry for this. I promised the students that if they all got an A on their geography tests I would bring them I prize. I know that they love my dog so I decided to bring him in for a little while. Karma is coming to pick him up at lunch. I'm so sorry!" Nagsia rambled an apology.

Asano just bent down to the pup. The little doggo jumped up a little and tried to lick his face, his little tongue sticking out as his tail wagged. Asano brought his hand down and gently pet the little guy. The dog leaned into his touch in way that made Asano's heart melt. 

"What's his name?" Asano asked Nagisa, not even bothering to look up since he didn't want to take his eyes off of the adorable pup for even a split second. 

"Hon. His name is Hon." Nagisa answered with a smile. 

"Hey there, Hon." Asano said to the little doggo. Hon whined for more pets and Asano decided that it would be evil if he did not submit to the command. Hon got a lot of pets that day. 

Maybe class 3-5 wasn't that scary.

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