Chapter 47

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An amused snort left Albert, and he shook his head. He supposed he should have expected Brandon at least, seein' as how he was rarely seen without Allen, and Betty and the boy had come on a wagon that the McGraths surely wanted back.

"Mornin', boys," Albert said, after drawing the pipe from his lips. His eyes narrowed towards the young man loitering by the horses. "I recognize yer sweetheart, there," Albert teased, "but who's that one?" He jutted his chin in Amos's direction.

Tom was too embarrassed to even speak. With all that'd happened, he nearly forgot that Albert had joshed about him and Bran that night that everything went to shit out at the old McGrath farm.

Bran was just as speechless when he'd heard Albert call him and Tom sweethearts. Fear shocked through him, how had he known? How long had he known? As these questions and about a dozen others, all tangled in his head Betty's voice spoke up.

"Oh, that's Finley's son, Amos. I told you about them," Betty said in a sweet tone as she peeked around Albert and then wiggled her way past to hug Bran and Tom. "How have you two been?" She asked when she'd finely pulled away from smothering them. "Well, come on inside," she said excitedly.

Albert stepped out of the way of the door. "Allen's upstairs I reckon," he said as Bran passed him. He waved a hand, motioning for Amos to come inside as well. "C'mon, then, the horses won't go nowhere.

Stepping inside, Tom could immediately tell a difference from the times he and his pa and siblings had visited. There was a warmth about the place, and little touches here and there that Betty had already begun to make the house a home.

Betty was already asking Tom and Amos what they wanted to drink and rattling off what she had that she could offer them. It was thanks to her that Bran had nearly forgotten the awkward encounter just moments ago as he climbed the stairs in search of his cousin. As if Bran had summoned the blond himself, Allen stepped out of a door and right into view with his cat hot on his heels.

The two locking gazes with each other for a moment. Allen looked different, his bandage was gone, and his injured eye had healed over white as a ghost, but that wasn't what made him seem different. It was the same way Betty seemed different, there was a lighthearted feeling just to look at them now.

"Bran? Well gawl'dang, what brings ya?" Allen said with a surprised but genuine smile. It was that cheerful mood that made Bran really regret what his answer was.

"It's Henry, Allen, he's ... well he didn't make it." There he'd said it and sure enough, it wiped the smile right off Allen's face. The two of them looked down and fell silent a moment, but Betty's excited voice was hard for sorrow to drown out, even from the second floor.

"I take it, Ma don't know?" Allen said forcing a smile.

"Didn't have the heart ta tell her," Bran said, and that made Allen nod his head a little.

"Later." Allen affirmed before taking a deep breath "Well, come'on I'll show ya around," He said leading Bran further into the house.

Before Tom or Amos had really answered Betty, Albert spoke up. "Sweetheart, I imagine the boys are needin' to pick up that wagon you an Allen came here on. That right?" He placed a large, warm hand on Tom's shoulder. The blond nodded. "Why don't ya fix us some coffee, and I'll help them get the rig ready."

"Oh! Of course, of course, I'll come get you boys when it's ready," Betty said.

As soon as the three of them had cleared the house, Tom turned, whacking Albert Shield on the arm. "How come you never told me Allen wus yer son? For god sakes, ya shot at him!" Tom exclaimed as loud as he dared, which still only amounted to a harsh whisper. "Does Betty know ya shot him?"

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