Chapter 40 || Getting Tough to Tell ||

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When Bran's eyes finally opened, they were met with grey light and the faint sound of rain against the roof and windows.

Allen was shuffling bout the cabin and glanced over to make sure that Bran was getting up. "Hey, come on. Don't want to be late," he said as he pulled on his jacket.

"Late for what?" Bran was puzzled but he sluggishly began to get ready.

"Gotta get my Ma and the kids to school. We're gonna need ya with Henry laid up like he is," Allen explained. "I'm going to go get the wagon ready. Meet ya out there." With that, Allen had stridden out into the rain. Bran hurried along and just before he left to meet Allen, he called up to Tom in the loft.

"Hey, Tom, we're takin' the kids into town for school. We'll see ya when we get back." Bran didn't wait for a reply, he just put his hat on his head and stepped outside. The moment his boot had sunk into the soft mud, he knew that it was going to be a long ride.

Bran and Allen fought the slick reigns and unhappy horses into their places just in time as Betty and the four youngest of the McGrath children came scurrying outside.

"Careful, careful! Pamelia, honey, don't fall. George, watch out for your brother!" Betty clucked after them like a worried old hen.

Bran waited while Allen helped his mother load the kids and herself into the back, then he climbed up next to his cousin and they started off for town. They got stuck only once, but it was enough to get Bran muddier than a hog and, of course, Allen said so.

At least the wagon had a cover. It wasn't much and didn't block the wind from some angles, but it gave the kids and Betty more protection than Allen or Bran had near the front.

Along their way to the schoolhouse, they made the usual stops to pick up students. Allen stopped the wagon as they came to the first house on the way, and Bran jumped down, dashing up to the house, and giving the front door a few good knocks.

When the door opened, Mrs. Hull was standing there--staring daggers at Bran.

"You get on out of here. My boy ain't going to school with no murder'n McGraths," she spat before the door slammed shut.

Bran was in shock for a moment, but the chill and rain were enough to drive him back to the wagon without any further confrontation.

"What happened?" Allen asked.

"Guess, they's not comin'," Bran replied as they moved to the next house. The same story repeated a few more times before they arrived at the schoolhouse, with only about half of the kids that normally went to school there.

Betty hadn't said a word about the matter. She just focused on the children that were there, getting them inside and dried. Allen waved goodbye and said that they'd be back that afternoon before he and Bran drove back towards the main road.

"I think I'll need a drink to warm up. How's bout you?" Allen said, and Bran just laughed.

"I think it might take more than one," Bran jeered.

"I think it might take more than one," Bran jeered

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