Chapter 8

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"I'm sure it ain't nothin' to get so hung up on," Thomas commented, though he wasn't completely convinced of that himself, as he paced the floor of the shop. He'd given Sarah the only seat in the shop when she had arrived looking for her best friend.

This kind of thing was really more of his sister's business than his. Regardless, when Sarah realized Abby wasn't there, she'd chosen to rant at Tom about the alleged misconduct committed by her sweetheart and company.

"I saw him, Tom. I saw the sheriff talking to Wade and his brothers like they were in trouble." Sarah replied with a huff, crossing her arms. "Abby can defend him left and right, but I'm not going to marry a man who'll end up in jail or dead."

Just as she'd finished her statement, Ben and Clyde came through the door, with their brows furrowed.

"Why haven't ya closed up ye-" Clyde paused when he saw the young woman behind the counter.

Sarah stood, snatching up her coin purse. "Tell Abby I'll be by the house to see her tomorrow, Tom," she said, seemingly offended by having their 'conversation' intruded upon.

Clyde and Ben both had parted to allow the girl room to exit, though they didn't seem to give much thought or consideration to the lady past that.

"Ya want me to walk ya home, Miss Sarah?" Tom offered.

"No," She replied, stopping on the small stairs outside of the shop. "I'd probably be better off if you didn't."

Thomas blinked, almost dumbfounded by her reply, and without another word she departed.

"Well, if yer done gossiping, get things locked up, pa wants us home," Ben stated plainly.

"Ya still haven't told me why he left earlier," Tom replied as he turned his attention to his brothers. "...The sheriff didn't come talk to ya'll ...did he?"

Ben rolled his eyes as he stepped back outside. Clyde moved to follow him, turning to point a finger back at Thomas. "Do what we told ya, and don't take forever doin' it."

"People round towns, been saying ya'll roughed up Brand McGrath last night," the blond said casually, searching his pockets for the keys to the store. His brothers stopped, exchanging a look between each other. "S'it true?"

"Well, let's just say that bastard's name is even more laughable now," Ben mumbled, causing Tom's heart to sink. As his brothers started chuckling under their breath, anger began to set in.

"Ya think that shit is funny?" Tom barked, closing the distance between him and the other two before shoving Ben with all his weight. It wasn't much with his build. He was slight for seventeen, but it caused Ben to stumble.

Clyde grabbed him quickly by the arm. "Calm the hell down, boi," Clyde urged, knowing that Ben's patience would only go so far.

"How calm ya gonna be when they decide to come after ya? Or our family?"

Ben grabbed the back of Tom's head, pulling him close to his chest. "Now you listen to me, if they even try to touch our family, the Shields will be the least of their worries. Get that shop locked up and get home," Ben's words were low and quiet, but the promise within them rang through loud and clear.

Tom clenched his teeth nodding. Sure, he trusted them — respected them... but that didn't mean he agreed with them.


"Do you know how boring it is ta be stuck in bed all damned day?" Abby groaned after her and Tom had fallen silent for a while. It had been a few hours since they'd had supper.

"If it's anything like havin' ta listen to Sarah Becken go on for god knows how long bout her worldly problems, then yeah... Yeah, kinda."

Abby chuckled despite the pain it caused that moved down her arm and across the back of her chest. "She ain't that bad."

"Ta you," Tom replied, glancing over at Abby from where he sat on his bed.

They shared a room, being the two youngest, and had spent a lot of time keeping each other company over the years.

Abby had always found it easy to get along with Tom, despite only being his half-sister. They were raised together, so it felt no different than being with Clyde or Ben.

"You're just spoiled cuz I don't worry about boys and those kinda things, s'all." Abby replied, a smile still gracing her features.

"I dunno bout that."

Abby's brow's furrowed slightly in curiosity. "Wus that supposed ta mean?"

"You been hangin' on to that since last night?" Tom questioned, nodding towards the bandana he'd never seen prior to Abby's run-in with the McGraths.

A ting of color flooded her cheeks, something few had ever witnessed, but before she could defend herself, they overheard a heavy knock on the front door downstairs.

Mollie Birch was surprised to see Robert Shield when she answered the door. He was accompanied by his brothers and his sons, save for Emit. "It's a little late, Rob, what can we do fer ya?" She asked as she surveyed the men.

"I'd like to borrow yer man and yer sons fer a few hours, Mollie, if that'd be acceptable," He answered kindly. She frowned, her husband soon coming to step into the door frame.

"What's all the excitement for, Rob?" Horace asked, leaning in next to his wife.

"Well, it just so happens I dun heard that there's McGraths on my land.. an armed at that."

The corner of Horace's mouth turned up into a small grin as he scratched at the back of his head. "Well if that be the case.... I'll get my hat." He replied before turning.

Mollie followed him inside, a worried expression plastered across her features. "Now, Horace, you know thems gonna be up to no good, why do you have ta go?" He seemed to ignore her as he walked through the house, collecting his hat, coat, and gun belt.

"Boys! Get up!" He called as he continued on after his boots. Stopping at the door, he finally turned to his wife. "Cuz there ain't no one else he trusts or who are better shots, darlin', you know that." He kissed her gently on the head.

"Wonder what's goin' on..." Abby commented, half relieved for the change of subject.

"Hell if I know.." Tom replied, getting up and moving for his gun belt.

"Tom, take grandpa's," Abby stated, pointing towards the rifle propped up in the corner on her side of the room. "I've never had to use 'er on no one, but she's accurate."

He nodded, understanding her sentiment. However, knowing what he did of the recent happenings, it wasn't very comforting.

 However, knowing what he did of the recent happenings, it wasn't very comforting

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