Chapter 23

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After Clyde and Horace had left to open the shop, the Birch house had stayed uncomfortably quiet. Abby could hardly stand it. Her mother didn't cry, but every time their eyes met while they went about the chores, she looked a breath away from tears.

After pinning up the last piece of laundry to dry, she'd decided enough was enough. Tom hadn't so much as poked a head in, and she knew he had to be done at the livery by now. Setting down the empty laundry basket near the back door, she called into the house.

"Mama, I'll be back." Her voice carried through their still home easily, and Abby didn't wait for a response before starting across the street.

As she neared the general store, she was taken aback to see Mary and Cordelia McGrath exiting the shop. It was curious to see just the pair alone. They were always seen in the company of Nancy McGrath as well, their cousin, who could easily have been a sister.

"Oh, Abigale," Mary stated, pausing on the porch as she looked down at Abby.

"Ladies," Abby greeted, brushing herself off. Though she'd never wanted to be particularly ladylike, there was something very enviable about Mary and Cordelia. They looked very much like their mother, Celly, and possessed a natural beauty and elegance. It sometimes made Abby feel a little foolish for dressing and acting the way she did.

"We're... very sorry about your friend, Abby," Cordelia said gently, pausing to cast a concerned gaze at Mary. "And your brother."

Abby found herself speechless for a moment as the two dismounted the steps, meeting her gaze evenly now. Abby couldn't talk about Ben. She swallowed thickly, instead, and looked to the basket in their hands.

"My father, he.. welcomed your patronage?" It wasn't the best change of subject, but it'd been the first thing to come out.

"Clyde, actually," Mary said softly, looking about as she did so with an uneased expression.

"I'm glad." Abby immediately regretted how apathetic her tone sounded.

"We're bringing some things to Nan and Aunt Zee," Cordelia explained softly, shading her face as her glassy eyes followed the street.

It was only then that Abby remembered her brother and Wade Shield hadn't been the only casualties of that awful fight. Chad McGrath, Nancy's father, had been the one shot by Robert Shield.

"Would you please send my condolences when you see her?" Abby asked, sidestepping to allow the girls more space.

"Of course," Mary assured her. Both of the McGrath girls gave Abby a small, polite hug and saw themselves off.

"Clyde Birch," Abby stated. Crossing her arms, she ascended the short steps to stand in the doorway of the shop. Her older brother seemed quite startled out of his thoughts from behind the counter.

"What?" he'd said immediately in a tellingly defensive tone.

His sister gave him a warm smile. "Have you seen Tom?"

Clyde's mouth turned downwards. "Few hours ago, I reckon. Headed along Main towards the post office, I guess."

Abby nodded, turning to go continue her search.

"Leave em' be, Abby," Clyde called after her, leaning slightly over the counter. He doubted she would listen, even if she'd caught his warning.


Brand sat comfortably on the floor of the wagon with his back against the seat and one leg hanging off the back. Allen was in the driver's seat guiding the golden workhorse back towards town at an even pace. Tom sat beside Bran, grateful for the ride, despite having no idea where he was going to go or what he'd do afterward.

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