Chapter 55

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Tom was quiet for the majority of the ride to the McGraths'. He wasn't thinking so much about what he'd say to Celly, but rather what to say to his parents and siblings about not wanting to leave town with them.

He couldn't quite decide why it was that he was so set on staying. Bran, of course, was part of it, but he wasn't betting on whatever they had to last forever. Bran probably wanted a family somewhere down the

A sad smile crossed his face as he blinked into the rays of sunshine falling between the trees that lined the well-worn road. Tom didn't know what he wanted for his future... just that he wasn't ready to leave yet.

"Oh, no," Mary mumbled from the driver's seat. "Lord, please let nothing have happened..."

"What?" One of the little ones asked, trying, but quickly thinking better of standing up. "What's wrong, Mary?

Tom had to raise up out of his seat and lean partly over the side of the wagon to see what had caused Mary's concern. There was a horse hitched at the front porch of the main house. And if he was recalling the animal and tack right, which he was sure he was due to its almost daily stays at the livery, it was Jack McGrath's horse. The banker.

"Look!" Jack demanded, pointing a chubby finger towards the bandage over his ear. "I'm telling ya, Andrew's a problem! And he's brought a small army of men with him!" he said as he paced the front room.

"...That a fact?" Finn said as he leaned back in his chair and watched his brother go back and forth.

"They'll want revenge for Robert, Finn. Mark my words, they mean ta start a war!"

"No, Jack ... You started the war, and now ya want me ta finish it," Finn said in an even tone as he ran a whetstone over his favorite hunting knife. In the corner, Amos stood quietly with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Pft! That's it, then? So, ya ain't gonna do nuthin at all, I suppose. Wull that's just great!" Jack balled.

"Now, I didn't say that ..." Finn corrected. "But I ain't about ta go shooting up Shields ..."

"No, but you'll burn their women alive!"

"Hold up now, that weren't never the plan. ...Things just got complicated."

"They got sloppy! Now ya got three times as many Shields crawling all over town!" Jack's panicked tone pointed out, and Finn looked at Amos.

"How many ya think?"

"More than we have. Even if Brand and John were outta jail," Amos said.

"Mmm," Finn hummed as he paused and set the whetstone down on the table next to him.

"Alright, Jack... you hurry on home. I'll handle them Shields."

"What ya mean ta do?" Jack asked.

"Don't worry about it. The less you know, the better." Finn assured.

"Hmph, yer probably right..." Jack retorted as he headed for the door. "I'd just as soon distance myself from this whole mess!"

As Mary ushered the kids up the porch steps, the front door swung open. They barely had time to move aside, but Mary didn't pay her uncle any mind as she got the kids inside. Red was behind her, and Tom trailed in behind them, feeling a little awkward since his visit hadn't exactly been announced, to his knowledge at least.

"Evening," Tom said under his breath, tipping his head to Finn. "Mrs. Celly around?"

"Kitchen," Finn said.

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