Chapter 9

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By the time the sky had started to turn orange, Bran and Allen found themselves crossing the river onto the old McGrath farm. Chad and Henry were just ahead of them, and John was right next to Joe at the front of the group.

The grass and weeds nearly reached their horses' bellies, years of no upkeep had allowed the vegetation to overtake most of the land and paths. Bran hardly remembered how'd it had used to look, but he couldn't tell if that was from how young he'd been when he'd last been there, or if it had really changed all that much in their absence.

When the six reached the small house, Joseph dismounted and took a wide look around before John joined him by the porch.

"I says we hold up here. I'd kill any Shield's tha's dumb enough ta set foot here." John urged though he managed to keep his voice low and controlled. Joe studied his nephew's face a moment before looking to the other four.

"I know you would..." Joe replied, but the way he said it, was that of mild disapproval more than any sort of encouragement. "Henry," Joe motioned with his head for his boy to go inside with him and John while the rest of them waited outside.

Chad, Allen and Bran could hear them tearing the place apart from where they waited.

"Christ, the hell they trying to do?" Bran mocked, and Allen just gave a hopeless shrug in response.

"They's looking for that deed. Joe figured yer paw might have hid it." Chad informed.

"There's a difference between looking fer sumthin and actin' like an angry bear," Allen murmured, he knew that most of the ruckus was probably just John blowing off steam, but all the commotion still made him uneasy.


As the posse Rob had gathered, the Shield family head ordered them to take up positions near the river. The trees and brush offered plenty of hiding spots with a good view of the men guarding the house. Tom pressed his back firmly against a sturdy tree, carefully peaking around it to see... Brand McGrath.

"Mother of God," Tom groaned, tucking himself behind the tree again with his brows deeply furrowed. His thoughts went immediately to Abby, and that silly damn bandana she'd been coveting.

Albert Shield, who was squatting not five feet away was chucking, though only loud enough to reach his nephew, and not much farther. "Was' wrong boy, too scared to look at em'?"

"No," Tom answered quickly, returning his eyes to the two McGraths he recognized well. His stomach was sinking already. "I know em'....sort of."

Albert raised an eyebrow, clearly still amused. "Oh?"

"Yeah, ..seen em' round.. an in church an stuff," He finished, his eyes settling on Bran again. Albert watched him for a moment before leaning in and letting out a soft low whistle, shaking his head. "You're gonna go to hell, boy." He teased, only above a whisper.

Tom didn't need any time to put together what his uncle was implying. "It ain't like that!" He replied in a harsh whisper of his own, though heat was already rising in to his cheeks despite himself.

While Chad settled in for a long wait, Allen and Bran started to stroll a few steps out from the building.

"Don't you boys go wandern off too far...Soon as theys dun, we're high tailing it outta here," Chad mentioned, glancing towards his two nephews. Bran waved a hand back to him, acknowledging that he'd been heard.

"You reckon there's gonna be any farm left, when yer brother's done with it?" Allen jeered.

"Hell, I dun'know..." Bran murmured as he moseyed along. "Awful lot of trouble fer a hunk of land..."

"Hah, don't let him hear ya say that," Allen chuckled, but he stopped short as Bran raised his riffle.

"You see sumthin?" He asked quickly, the smile fading into panic instantly. Bran lowered the gun once more, the fading sun made it hard to make out anything in the shadows and he didn't want to waste bullets on a rabbit.

"Nah...Why, you scared?" Bran questioned with a broad smile, as he mocked Allen's concern. His comment was quickly met with a harsh glare from his cousin.

"Son of'a bitch, Bran," He hissed which only made Bran chuckle more, and as Allen was thinking of the right way to get him back, John came out the front door with papers held high in hand.

"Got'em!" He announced as Joe and Henry strolled out behind him.

"You reckon' that's what I think they're hopin' it is?" Rob questioned, glancing at Horace who had stayed near by him. Light was fading fast, but he could make out figures handling what looked to be papers.

"Yes I do, Rob. Now what?"

Robert's response was simply to lift his gun; that was signal enough. Aiming at the boy who had until a second ago been holding the paper, he fired a shot that was followed quickly by one from Horace, aimed at the same boy.

The ringing bang sent a pain through Tom's heart that he couldn't describe even if he'd wanted to; this was it. Albert raised his gun to fire, hesitating when he caught the fear in his nephew's pale eyes as he watched him.

"Dun worry, I won't hit yer sweetheart." He promised with a half-smile just before he aimed and pulled the trigger. Tom shifted to get his eyes on the McGraths again, gun poised, but fingers dead still.

"GOD...Dammit!" Bran cursed. As shots broke through the air, he brought up the rifle and returned a shot of his own without hesitation. He quickly cracked the lever and loaded another round and shot again. Then he paused a moment, trying to get a read on the locations of his targets, but the only sound he heard was a groan from his cousin on the horse next to him.

Panic spread through him like wild fire as he looked back, the sight he'd been dreading coming to realization as he saw the blood seeping between Allen's fingers as he held his side.

"Damn, Cuz...I think I bin shot," he said in a soft daze.

"Go!" was the only thing that Bran could think to say and gave Al's horse a smack to get her running the opposite direction. His panic turned to anger as he shot into the trees again.

Meanwhile, the others had taken cover inside the farmhouse, they'd all been lucky enough to get in unharmed. John and Chad grabbed the over turned the furniture and shoved what they could against the walls while Joe returned fire from a small broken window.

Albert ducked low, cackling as Bran's first shot sent dirt flying near him. "Kid's good," He commented, glancing over at Tom. "Take a shot, boy, or he'll get ya first."

Tom watched as the blond next to Bran retreated, lining his sight up on the man he knew his sister was sweet on. His heart was beating so hard he felt like he was having to swallow it just to keep it down.

"You got em' lined up, boy?"

Tom took a deep breath. "Yes'sir."

"Listen to me, I don't care what you feel bout him, he gets the chance, he's gonna shoot you dead, you hear me?"

Tom's brows furrowed further, his frown obvious even through the darkness. It wasn't what he felt for Bran, but Albert didn't know that... All he knew was that the kid his brother had with Mrs. Birch was a little small, a little too shy, and a little too pretty to probably be hanging on the right side of the fence."Yes'sir."

"Pull the trigger."


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