Chapter 53

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Faith Hall's home was a slice of modern luxury among the modest farmhouses and commercial buildings. Her property sat just far enough to the south, that the town looked more like scenery than an eyesore. The giant oak trees and cottonwoods out front were ancient behemoths and provided the entire east side with shade for most of the day. As Andrew and his two oldest arrived on their mounts, the Shield reminded his sons to mind their manners, to which both replied with a quick, "Yessir."

The small manor looked just as refined on the inside as it would lead one to believe from the outside. A thin staff of maids busied themselves with most of its upkeeping, while a gentleman led them into the dining room. Almost like being in one of the fancy hotels in Saint Louis.

On the way, Lawrence noticed a dog watching them, following whenever they'd turn down a different hall. It was a fine, clean, sleek-looking animal, and well-fed on top of that. Another reminder of the kind of money Mrs. Hall and her family had. It was no wonder she'd caught the affections of his father at one point or another.

"You look lovely," Andrew commented as he met Faith beside the table and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

Isaac averted his gaze, while Lawrence skimmed over the other young men already there at the table. One he recognized. He was one of the tin-stars Jack McGrath's bankers had sniffled off to when they'd made them uncomfortable looking for their employer. The other looked older, though not by much, and the last appeared the youngest. Near Tom's age, he'd imagine, and with their Pa's eyes and hair.

'God blessed me with all the traits and characteristics he wanted passed on,' his Pa'd often said, and passed them on he did--through five different women, which resulted in ten sons and a handful of daughters--that Lawrence knew of, anyway. Pa had some grandchildren now too, and although not all of his half-siblings had blonde hair or blue eyes, they all had some bit of Andrew in them. They were all Shields no matter their given name.

Faith was beaming as she welcomed Andrew and his two sons to sit down. She'd been smiling well before they had all arrived. Her talk with Jack earlier in the day was all but forgotten by now. However, her expression faltered as she realized someone was missing--her middle son was decidedly absent from the table.

"Annie, darling, can you see what's keeping Yulic?" Faith whispered to one of her maids before turning back to Andrew. "He can't be far if that dog of his isn't scratching at the door," she assured, but there was a clear tone of disdain for the animal she spoke of.

"I don't blame him," Bryce whispered to his brother, Severin, just out of earshot of their mother.

Andrew had paid little mind to the maid rushing away to fetch the last of Faith's boys. He pulled out a chair for Faith first and didn't sit until after she'd been seated, with his sons following suit.

"How are you liking law enforcement, Bryce?" Andrew asked as the man that led them inside poured them all drinks. The smell of it immediately gave it away as something aged and expensive. It certainly wasn't rotgut or rye, but what it was, neither Isaac nor Lawrence could rightly say.

"I'm liking it just fine." Bryce's reply was polite and short--just the sort of thing that wouldn't displease his mother but also left little to build a conversation on.

"I convinced Mr. Atwell to let him have the evening off," Faith added, as though she were quite proud that she had some sort of sway over the Sheriff. When she spied Yulic, she motioned for him to sit down.

"Well, now that we're all here, I believe you're familiar with my oldest sons, but this is Severin, Bryce, Yulic, and my youngest, Ty," she said, before looking at Andrew's boys. "I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting yours."

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