4 | Tea, Darling?

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AFTER HEARING THAT I WAS THE GIRL FROM THE PROPHECY, all four boys rejoiced at the news.

But a pang of guilt hit me when I realized they foolishly believed my lies. I really didn't want to, but my selfishness got the better of me, and honestly—how hard could killing a Jabberwocky be? All I had to do was grab a sword and stick it at the creature, and I've got plenty of smuggled fencing training to make up for it.

But still...what if I was underestimating this whole thing?

That feeling washed away as soon as Louis invited me to his house for his daily tea party. I learned he had a very outlandish obsession for the beverage, and would profess it at exactly 3pm on the dot.

We had stumbled upon a beautiful forest clearing, rainbow streaks of light fluttering across the air and onto the aging, wooden table, while the clatter of clay teacups echoed through the branches and past my ears. The once-white table cloth was set slightly off kilter, while a boiling kettle whistled maniacally at the very center.

Louis dragged a velvet chair out from it's spot, gesturing for me to sit down.

"Daniel! Emma!" He said after I was settled, "she's here!"

I bit my lip, hanging my head slightly in disappointment. I had already met James, Oliver, Harry, and Louis, and now I had to remember two more names and faces. I was only social on occasion, and too many people introduced at once could lead to forgetfulness.

I was cut off by the sounds of running blasting towards where I sat in the forest.

"The prophecy girl?" An unfamiliar voice yelled.

It was followed by another. "Took her long enough!"

"Where is she?"

"Is she here for the party?"

My habit of guessing voices to faces was shattered once the two figures came bounding into view. The first name (Daniel) belonged to a boy with a beaming smile, tousled raven-hair, and bright blue eyes that were glued onto my face with excitement. He had two round mouse ears sticking out of the strands of his hair, making him seem like a half-woodland creature.

He probably was.

The second name (Emma) belonged to a girl, who was dressed in pastel-colors, her honey-brown hair falling in ringlets around her shoulders. Much pertained to Daniel's mouse ears, she had two rabbit ones jutted up out of interest. She looked like a picture-book drawing with that pearly smile.

"Daniel the Dormouse," Louis said quickly, plopping down in the chair beside me, "and Emma the March Hare."

"How do you do, miss girl," Daniel said, snatching my hand up and shaking it wildly, "we've been waiting ages for you to rescue us."

Emma grabbed my other hand, "ages, I tell you."

"You're much prettier than I expected."

"Yes, much prettier."

I could only manage an anxious chuckle, trying not to fall over with all the shaking currently taking up my arms, "t-thank you, I suppose."

Thankfully, Louis clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, swatting the two new friends away with his hand. They were banished to the far end of the table. That didn't discourage them from eyeing me happily as they nibbled on cakes and crumpets.

"Sorry about them," Louis said softly, snatching up the kettle and pouring a drink into the cup in front of me, "we've all been waiting for this day."

WONDERLAND ✯ Louis PartridgeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ