25 | The Queen's Summary

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While prophecies never lie, sometimes people do, and that's what's so silly about it. A simple, white lie got her this far, and maybe that's not such a bad thing. She's Queen now, after all.

A week after the battle, the coronation was the talk of the town, and people from both adjourning kingdoms came to witness a truly magnificent sight. Two friends, two lovers, and two heroes joining together to help rule in harmony.

But they aren't married...yet.

Oh, don't give me that look. What else did you think betrothed meant? It's better to let them get used to their new castle before we skip ahead that far, and they've got a good couple years before any of that stuff comes into play.

But even with her new life, she hasn't forgotten the reason for all of this happening. It's really Louis who you should thank. He's the first to trust her, to help her, to like her, and to love her.

And a life with Louis will always be...


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