11 | Once

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WHEN LOUIS STILL HADN'T left his study three hours later, I decided to forget about it and find something else to do.

What was the point? He clearly didn't want to talk to me about whatever was bothering him, and the way he snapped at me earlier was enough to show that I shouldn't pursue him for information. So I left the tea party, told Emma and Daniel I'd be back for supper, and then disappeared into the forest down a familiar path.

It took me straight to the one place I knew I'd get answers.

"Just as I predicted," Draco Malfoy announced, watching as I walked into the forest clearing, "the prophecy girl is back to see us."

Jaime, Oliver, Draco, and Harry were all gathered around the giant mushroom, shaping smoke into the shape of letters and clouds. It was like play-doh in their hands, easily tangible and formed into whatever their mind thought up.

I shot Malfoy a distasteful look, plopping down onto one of the cushions they had on the grass.

"What is it you need?" Harry drawled, his vocab slow and monotone, "I'm surprised you didn't bring Louis along."

"He's currently in his study," I noted, picking at my fingernails.

Harry frowned, "his study?"


Apparently all four of the boys around me got the message, shaking their heads as they muttered to themselves. It reminded me of what Daniel and Emma said back at the party (before it was rudely interrupted by cards)—the last time Louis skipped tea to lock himself in his study was when [insert nonexistent information here]. I would finish the sentence for myself, but I didn't have the words.

"I don't suppose you could tell me why he's acting so off?" I quizzed, eyeing the twins in particular.

Oliver and James just sunk into their seats, shaking their heads at me. I swear I almost saw their eyes start to water...but maybe it was a trick of the light. Draco had turned back into a ferret, deciding that an afternoon nap was of better importance than my questions.

But Harry spoke up.

"Are you sure you want to know the truth?" The caterpillar asked, setting down his pipe.

I nodded.

"Then the truth is what you will get," he said, "but keep in mind that this story doesn't just affect Louis, but all of us around you."

I nodded again, but I was slightly off put.

Was this why Draco decided to sleep instead? Was this why the twins looked uncomfortable and sad? Harry didn't seem to mind telling me, but now I felt as if I was intruding onto something too personal to want to know.

"Two years ago, the Queen began her monarchy," Harry explained, "this was the year we lost many of our friends, all of them executed for taking part in the battle against the kingdom."

I sunk into my chair, unable to stop listening. Harry continued:

"Among those lost, was someone we all held dear to our hearts. Louis, more than the rest, considering they were best friends....and although they never dated, losing a friend can be much harder."

I stared at the ground feeling sick to my stomach. It didn't matter that Louis and this girl weren't romantically involved, it was heartbreaking to know he lost a friend so close to him. 

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